Uncut Miz

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Little bit of violence ahead. Stop now if you choose not to read. Now for the one's that can't wait to see Mizery in some action..... Follow me!

"You can have the strawberries, I've found a new flavor" ..... Those word's filtered through my ears slowly and my mind seemed to river into slow motion.

I'll admit that the kiss was enticing but unwanted. This man kissed me without warning, without my permission and I didn't like it. His lips were still lingering before mine and I smiled seductively as I snaked my hand underneath his tux jacket and rested my hand near his armpit. The image of shock that registered on his face brought me more pleasure than an orgasm. "Is, is that a knife?" He stammered.

" As a matter of fact it is. Quite handy little thing that poses as a charm on my bracelett. Feel lucky though, all I have to do is push the bracelett clasp twice and before you can blink a four inch blade will penetrate you. Yes, small but packs a blow". I said with a purr.

Seam gave me a devilish sink and the shock was replaced with a sly grin. "Very smart you are indeed to choose the armpit" .

"Yes, very smart. You see the axillary artery runs through the armpit. Most don't know this and therefore leave that area unprotected. Just a slight puncture can sever that artery causing blood to spurt like a fountain and you to die of exsanguination in a matter of minutes".

Still grinning like Satan himself he hissed between his teeth. "Impressive Miss Butini. I must say this is such a huge turn on."

Snatching my hand from his armpit I took a few steps back. "Never kiss me without my permission Mr O'Mally. I can end you".

Scooting from the stool that I was perched on, I turned to look at him as I walked off. "I'll be seeing you".

" You can bet on it". He said with that flirty wink.

Returning to my table I tried to focus on the reason I was here, the weapon deal. However the kiss Seam and I shared wouldn't evaporate. It was different, nothing like I had shared with Aiden. I'm not saying that it was better, just different. Aiden',s kiss was that of hungry man full of passion. Seam's kiss was full of promise and mystery. Still, I didn't like it. It evoked feelings in me that I didn't wish to have. Yes, part of me wanted to play whereas the other half was screaming to proceed with caution. Sire was right, Pape would go into seizures if I struck up an relationship with another King from a different family. Then again I can't live my life for my Pape. Maybe I will peruse Seam.... Later. Right now I have more important matters to attend with. Seam would be a distraction.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I turned to Sire. "Any word on my bid?"

" Seems we may have some trouble". Sire said and nodded his head toward a older yet dapper gentleman.

"That's Edward Stanton from France. Seems he possibly outbid you while you was playing smoochy  with the Irish chump" .

"Shit" . I growled. "Fill me in on Stanton".

" Poweful in France. Inherited a billion dollar company from his grandfather. Supposedly the company specializes in lab testings for cures and whatnot. They made their money off of charitable donations but people like us know it's just a cover up for what's really going on in those labs. Word is that he is currently tampering with chemical warfare agents. If he completes this The results could be disastrous not just for us but the world ".

" Double shit". I hissed as I watched Stanton sign off on the deed to the weapons.

"What's his security look like?"

" he has nearly thirty men tailing him. Why? What are you thinking Mizery? "

Standing up, I narrowed my eye's at Sire. "Watch me work".

" Fuck, Mizery. You can't do this here. It's not safe". Sire instructed.

Ignoring Sire's warning, I grabbed a flute of champagne and made my way to the bar. Perching on a stool beside of Stanton, I placed a cigarette in between my red lips and looked at him. Instantly he removed a lighter from his pocket and lit my cigarette. No, I don't really smoke but sometimes it's a good ice breaker or introduction.  Blowing the smoke out in a upward puff I said in a raspy tone. "And who do I have the pleasure of thanking?"

His eye's went strictly to my breast as he introduced himself. "Edward Stanton. And who might you be dove?"

Quirking a smile, I casually twirled a strand of my hair. "I'm possibly your dream".

A wide grin spread across his face. "Is that so?"

" Depends. Do you want to sneak off somewhere more private? "

Stanton snapped his fingers indicating for one of his men to come near. He whispered something in his man's ear then stood. "Come my dream. I've arranged a private room for us".

Allowing him to lead me away, I glanced at Sire who was watching me. He gave a slight nod to let me know he and the other's had my back. Our private room ended up being a storage unit for the kitchen. Pots and pans hung from the low ceiling and other kitchen appliances say on metal shelves. "Not exactly the five star treatment" . I mumbled.

"Undress. Let's make this quick. I can't be away too long". He rushed out undoing his fly.

Shit. I hadn't planned on him being Mr. Speedy. I wanted to seduce him and catch him off guard. Giving off a sexy little giggle, I stepped closer to him and grabbed the lapels of his coat. "How about warming a girl up a bit first".

" Look, I don't have time to play around with a hooker. Hell I don't even waste time on hookers but something told me I'd regret passing over you. Now let's get started then I'll pay you and be on my way".

This bastard assumed that I'm a hooker. See, I was just going to kick his ass and leave him unconscious but now he's dead. "Yes, of course." . I purred.

Taking a step back, I placed my hands behind as if to unzip my dress. The greedy fuck clapped his hands together in anticipation. In a quick flick of my wrist, I sailed a knife through his throat. Falling to his knees, he grabbed at his throat. Squatting down to face him, I forced him to look at me. "Nobody calls me a hooker and lives. Where's the fucking deed and I might call for help".

Fear stung his face as he realized his predicament. With trembling hands he patted his breast pocket. Quickly I retrieved it before his blood could taint the paper's. Taking the heel of my hand, I gave the knife a hard shove finishing him off. "Bleed you pig."

Wiping my blade off on his jacket, I his the deed down the front of my dress and turned to go. "Bravo" . I heard a male sing out and clap.

Spinning around, I spotted Seam resting atop one of the tallest shelves. "What are you doing in here?"

" I overheard your conversation and knew I couldn't miss this. ". He said hopping down.

" Sadly you're in the wrong place at the wrong time Mr. O'Mally. "

"Me? Never. I must say Mizery you fascinate me. Dinner?"

" Death? " I shot back but he only laughed.

Slowly he reached into his pocket but held one hand up to me showing no signs of a fight. He removed a small, square piece of paper. "My card. I'll be in town for the rest of the week. Call me if you reconsider".

Taking the card, I crumpled it in my hand. Then I bent down and severed Stantons hand from his arm. "And why are you doing that?" Seam inquired.

Stuffing the hand in my clutch, I said. "It's a snack for Charlie, my snake. Keep bothering me and you may get the chance to meet him".I

Seam laughed and I darted out. Rushing to Sire, I whispered urgently. "I got it. Now let's get it to my lawyer's so they can forge it."
"And where is Stanton?"

" Hes no more. Now we must hurry".

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