Not My Circus

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"Mizery, please sit down. You have worn a hole in the carpet from all of your pacing". My Pape said as he looked up from his laptop.

Okay, I know I've been pacing back and forth for quite sometime now but my nerves are crawling. I haven't seen Aiden since I returned home from Vegas nearly three month's ago. We've kept in touch via phone calls and Skype but that's about it. Aiden has been wanting to visit me for awhile now but I kept putting him off insisting that I needed to make sure my Pape was well on the road to recovery first. I'd hate to reset his getting better phase by introducing Aiden back into the equation.

When it finally seemed that Pape was getting better I asked him if Aiden could visit. He took it rather well and I was surprised. Yes, there was a deep strain on his face but after a few deep breaths he said okay. This is all apart of getting better for him, learning to accept who my choice in a man is. We had a lengthy discussion about the ground rules and even though some were a bit strict I went along. After all I knew how hard thing's were for my Pape right now and he really was trying to conquer his demons. I wasn't about to be the reason he might have a set back.

Even though my parent's are going through something right now he's doing amazingly well. I must say that I'm proud of him. True it's only been a short time and he could always relapse but this time seems different. Never before has he put this much energy and time into maintaining a healthy mind. Not only is he focusing on getting better but being better as well. When he's not working he's in the gym or doing some other activity to keep him busy. I'm not sure if the new hobbies are to help him or to keep my mom off of his mind or possibly both. He hasn't brought the subject up to me and I'm grateful for that. It would be just too awkward discussing such an issue with him. However I know it bothers him and he misses her but what's more confusing is how he let her go so easily.

The family is all abuzz about it because we expected him to put up a fight but instead he went along with everything and did it so pleasantly. This is so unlike him and I honestly don't know how to feel about their split. Of course it bothers me but what can I do? This is between them.

Actually there's something else bothering me more. I've noticed he gets a phone call around the same time every night and leaves the room. Occasionally I have overheard bits and pieces of the conversation and one would think he was talking to another girl. If this is so I'm not going to like it but as before what can I do. My parent's are divorced and can do as they please but it seems too soon for this.

My mother on the other hand is the exact opposite right now. She's really threw herself head first into the business. Mom is pulling long day's and determined to grasp her title. She doesn't bring up Pape when I see her and she's like my grandfather... Hard to read. I'll never know if this split is bothering her. In a way I feel as if I'm to blame. Had I not defied my Pape this probably wouldn't have occurred.

There was a knock at the door and I froze along with my thoughts. He was here finally. My first instinct was to run toward the door and busy through it but I didn't want to seem like I had been waiting. Glancing at my Pape, he spoke. "Well get the door Miz. I'm good".

Wiping my sweaty palms along my jogging pants, I walked tamely to the door. I opened it with a smile and saw Aiden standing there. Not able to help myself, I threw myself into his arm's. His arm's wrapped me up in a tight hug that seemed to melt my worries away. This is just what I needed.

Finally pulling back, he held onto my hands as I smiled up at him. "I can't believe you're here".

" I couldn't get here fast enough ". He smiled back.

Turning, I led him in into my home. Pape was seated in the living room. As we entered he rose and extended his hand to Aiden. They shared a few short pleasantries before my Pape announced that he had to run. Taking in his spiffy attire I couldn't help but question if he was off to meet this woman. It had become a normal thing for him to run off several evening's a week but my mind was too absorbed with Aiden to think much more on it.

Once my Pape was out the door I grabbed Aidens hand and drug him to my room. Closing the door behind us, I turned and literally launched myself on him. He caught me and our lips crashed together. In a abandoned frenzy we begin tugging each other's clothes off. It was if we were in a race to see who could undress the other the quickest. Once naked there was no time for foreplay. We had three month's of that over the phone. Backing me into the wall, Aiden swiftly entered my waiting body. "Fuck, I've missed you". He growled.

My only reply was a lengthy moan and a smile as he unleashed feel good pheromones throughout my body.

Later we lounged around in my bed cuddling and talking. I filled him in on the happenings of the last few day's. As always he knew just what to say to make me feel better. We were just about to make love again when a soft knock sounded upon my door. "Miz, I need to see you". I heard Alice say.

Irritated at being interupted, I scooted from bed slowly and wrapped my robe around me as Aiden slid back into his pants. Opening the door, I was shocked to see a tearful Alice. "Is everything okay?" I asked with worry.

I wondered if something had happened to CJ. Alice shook her head no. "He's cheating Miz, I just know It" .

Not wanting to spoil my time with Aiden yet knowing she needed me I excused myself from the room. Leading Alice to my Papes home office I shut the door. "How do you know this?"

Alice tossed her hands up in the air in agitation. "He's never home on time anymore. He gets in later and later every night. He hasn't touched me in months Mizery."

" Maybe he's stressed out over work". I supplied not wanting to think that my brother was capable of such behavior.

Alice shook her head. "No. I asked him if he was coming home for dinner. He said he had too much work so I ventured to the Den to surprise him with a plate of food. Turns out he left around three and Demarco said he hadn't sent him out in the field".

I was at a loss for word's and I truly hoped it was something else other than a woman that was taking CJ's time. To add more to my woes, my Pape didn't come home that night either.

It seemed so unfair that my love life was finally going well while everyone around me was falling apart.

Hey guy's! I hope everyone is well?!

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Do you think CJ is really cheating?

If CJ is cheating how do you think Alice will react?

Wonder why Cole didn't come home?

Do you think Cole's changes is for his health or to keep Miri off of his mind?

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