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✋🚨 Warning.... Possible triggers ahead✋🚨

Time was a thing of the past. I was neither here nor there. In fact I haven't a clue where I'm at. Most of my day's are spent wafting through the air in a world of nothingness. Sometimes I might laugh out loud, at what I don't know. Or perhaps I was crying instead of laughing. It all sounds the same to me.  I just woke up with my head pounding, my throat dry and vision blurry. But had I been asleep at all? Maybe I was just coming down from the high again and suffering the effects.

A trail of evidence littered my arm. Ugly bruising pricks had been left behind by all the needles. For the time being I was alone in my room which was very rare. Usually Seam was near by ready to convince why being his wife, his queen was brilliant. He'd try and convince of his love and how it hurt him to see me in such a condition even though he was responsible for my health being as such. It was all a sick and twisted game to him. The fuck would have me beat then sob as he nursed me back to health. All the while telling me it was my fault that he had to have me disciplined, that I was too strong willed, disrespectful and ungrateful. It didn't take long before I saw my chance to attack him each time. Each time my body became weaker and I'd lose the fight as he pumped my veins full of his controlling poison. Then the cycle would start all over again. I'd be beaten by the three women in the most creative ways then be fawned over by Seam. The entire time I would be high as a kite and really couldn't determine what was real or hallucinations.

However something was very different this time when I woke from my drugged stupor or maybe I was still tweaking and imaging everything. Sitting up in my bed slowly I noticed I was no longer in my usual room. In fact I didn't think I was in a room at all. The bed was different. Instead of the grand oak bed I now rested on a small brass bed and the bedding wasn't all silks and lace anymore. Plain blankets and such draped my bed now but that's not what triggered my worries. What prickled my mind was the fact it looked as if I was in a small, steel box.

Easing from the bed, I wrapped the rough sheet about my body and tip toed toward the door or I should say the seal to my vault. There was no handles or latches. It resembled more of an elevator door that slid open electronically. In a rush I searched the room for any type of button to release the door but had no such luck. Giving up after about twenty minutes of trying to find a way out, I sat back on the bed. It wasn't long after that I heard the door being slid open.

My muscles tensed as I saw Seam enter with a bright smile. "Good morning love or I should say good evening. You've been out for quite some time now. Three day's to be exact".

" Where am I? " I growled.

"Our new home love. Yes, it isn't much but it will do".

" And where is this home? "

Seam chuckled and sat behind me on the bed. "That my dear I can't disclose. Put it this way, we are safe from your family ever finding us. You didn't actually think I'd stay in Ireland knowing that they would come for me did you?"

I remained quiet and he smiled as he trailed his finger along my cheek. "Awww... You did. How sweet".

I jerked my face away from his touch bitterly. Seam sighed and stood up. "Maybe some food will put you in a better mood?"

" The only thing that will put me in a better mood is spilling your blood and watching the life leave your body". I snarled.

Seam chuckled again. "That's no way to talk to your husband love. Come, let's get you some food and a tour of your new castle".

Even though I wanted to refuse I knew I needed to eat plus view this new home to map out any and all escape roots. "See that curtain over there?" Seam pointed.

" Behind that you'll find a toilet and shower. You have a few clothes in that chest. I'll be back shortly to gather you".

After he left I grudgingly made my way to the makeshift bathroom. My body felt grimy and the warm water may ease my sore muscles. To my dismay I discovered that there was no hot water, only cold. Rushing through a quick shower in the capsule size slot, I dressed quickly. It wasn't long before Seam returned.

When I stepped from my shoebox room I was stunned at what I saw. There was a huge steel room before us. Random furniture sat about in no paticular order and I recognized several of his men fumbling about. We skirted through the room as he spoke. "This is the main part. It's where we will gather, have meetings and such."

We then came to another set of sliding doors. These doors opened up to a kitchen area. There was a traditional stove and a industrial size refrigerator. A stainless steel table was pressed to the wall. "Sit" .

Doing as he asked, he placed a bowl of stew before me. Even though it didn't look appealing my stomach growled reminding me that I needed to eat. As I chewed the rough meat I spotted a iron wheel in the corner of the ceiling with a ladder leading to it. "What is that for?" I inquired .

"That's the only way out. We are underground" .

All hope of my family finding me flew away. I knew that I'd have to rescue myself or die trying. As I chewed I looked around for a knife or anything that I could possibly use as a weapon. Seam eyed me and spoke with disdain. "It hurts me knowing that you want to harm me. I See you looking for a weapon but you will find none, I made sure of that. If you would only relent to me and obey you would see how good I could be for you. We could be so powerful together. We'd rule it all".

The newly consumed contents in my stomach threatened to come back up as I listened to his word's. It was then that an idea came to me. "May I get more stew?"

Seam nodded and I stood. Once at the stove I lightly touched the pot of stew and to my delight it was still very hot. In one swift movement, I lifted the pot and slung the near boiling stew all over him. Seam yelled out in anguish as I darted up the ladder to try and twist the wheel open. Using all of my strength wasn't enough. The wheel wouldn't budge. As I was twisting with all of my night I could feel the skin on my palms being burnt from using so much force. Before I could give it another try I felt myself being jerked from the ladder. I was tossed to the floor as Seam stood above me covered in stew. "You fucking bitch. I've been easy on you do far but you will pay for this".

The door slid open and in marched several of his men. I was yanked up and carted off to a smaller steel room. As usual I was restrained as I awaited my punishment. It wasn't long before the three women entered pushing a cart that contained hot coals. I watched as they placed an iron rod into the blazing red coals. Nothing I did could brace me for what was to come. As the fire red rod made contact with my back I let out a muffled cry. The smell of burnt skin wafted to my nose and I knew I'd be scarred for life. This continued until I succumbed to the pain.

He will die, they all will was my last conscious thought.

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