Chapter 9

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My heart started hammering as I realized I'm actually leaning against my boss's chest. I match my gaze with him. His eyes were nothing just baffled. I gave him a flat smile, unable to predict what he must be thinking about me.

"Careful, love!" His thick accent voice notifies me and he makes me stand on my feet. "What were you doing out there?"

"I-I was a-actually..." I stammered disastrously. No way I'm going to confess I was sort of prying on him. It's awful!

"You what??" He asks, his brows cocked upward.

"I just slipped!" Really? Is that what came out of my mouth. Pathetic! My bosses dilated his pupil in surprise, clearly dissatisfied with my answer.

"You look tensed! Is everything okay?" He enquires and I can't differentiate if it's just a professional concern or he's mocking. I should have simply left my cabin instead of peeping. He crossed his arms at his back and I saw a blonde woman seated on the metal chair. So he was talking to her! Who is she now? Another of his son- titular girlfriends he changed per hour.

Following the line of my gaze, he breaks my thought.

"She's Mr. Alberto Castor's secretary!" He informs me. Alberto Castor! Why this name sound so familiar? Shit! The Casino's report, it's still unaccomplished.

"I'll be back in ten minutes with a complete report!" I panicked while praying he doesn't explode at me.

Thankfully, he doesn't when, "Sure!" He said. "I've plenty of entertainment to pass the time!" His eyes glinted with the spark and I knew what exactly it means. The woman turned and shoots a smile at him.

Observing her appearance, she looks around thirty's. Her long blonde hair is tied into a pony and she is wearing a business suit; her fingers playfully tapping the arms of the chair. By the grin on her face, I can tell how captivated she's toward him.

"Go on!" My boss reminded me. He must have seen me staring at her, obnoxiously. With a nod, I get the hell out of there and marched inside my office. It's small due to the construction of an extra room connecting them, but I feel relaxed, here.

My mind never wandered whenever I'm working. Whether it's the kitchen, or the NGO or this swanky building.

I restart my Mac and immediately pile up the data sequentially. I'm habitual of keeping things in order. From my Mom's bookshop to the kitchen, to my room, I keep everything in the correct place. Selena officially declared me an OCD patient as I used to the clean-her side of the dorm room in college. And every Sunday, when I help my mother with the paperwork, I check every single shelf, making sure that books are perfectly categorized and alphabetically arranged.

The hardcopy slides out of the printer which is connected with my Mac. I attached the papers to the file holder. The work was supposed to finish within 10 minutes but it turns out, it's been half an hour.

With the folder under my arm, I trot out of my office. Even there's a door that conjoined our offices, I vowed never to use that door. For some reason, I find it way too awkward to consider it a normal door. If this building wasn't designed a 32- story skyscraper, I would call it a modern version of Hogwarts. It looks like you don't have to go for a long way. Just wave with your eyes and boom! A magical door which will teleport you wherever you want to go.

As I found myself in front of his office, the air-filled loud giggles. Is it coming from inside? Indeed, it is! My mind started imagining what they must be doing now. Probably, their clothes stripped off, body colliding that a little air won't be able to pass through them.

Well then, I better make it quick. If I have to work here, I have to bear all of this. And I don't know if I'll get used to it at the end of the financial year. What a tragedy it would be! Growing up in an environment that is exactly unlike it, it's unfriendly and unfamiliar to me.

The giggles get louder and I knock.

"Come in!"

I enter when he permitted me. He was seated on his desk, his body facing that blonde woman. There was nothing that I had expected. None of their clothes tangled or lying here or there. Neither their hair looks a bit messy. They were just like the way I left them.

That means they were simply having some chit chat fun.

Never see that coming! At this point, I admitted how judgemental I am.

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