Chapter 31

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The bidding is going to happen in next thirty minutes on the top floor, around the swimming pool. The people have arrived and they are too many. I guess a lot of people are trying to get their hands on the same land my boss wants for his project. Several tables are arranged all around with four chairs surrounding them. One of them belongs to my boss whom I haven't seen him since the last night. His brother had visited him after our surprising encounter. I tried to contact him but he was no where around the hotel.

The manager told me that he left with his brother, so I keep myself occupied in Netflix all day. The time I received his message was an hour ago when he asked me dress nicely and meet him at the roof. I had gone through all of my closet which provide me variety of dresses. I rejected half of them and finally approved a black short dress. Truthfully the whole closet was stocked with dresses which were very revealing. Shoes selection was the toughest task as none of them fit my feets. The last one which I somehow managed to wear is what I have matched with my dress. Its brown in color but I don't think anyone can hardly differentiate between black and brown at night.

I stare at the clear sky which is now shining with billions or trillions of stars along with the full moon beautifies the sky more. The balcony on the roof is made of glass and small shrubs of various beautiful flowers have captured them under their grasp. The crowd has now diminished into few. The time of the bid is near and the person who aren't concerned have started leaving the place. I stand by the pool waiting for my boss. 

"You're Niklaus's PR, Caroline?" A voice make me turn at him. A man is standing in front of me with a glass of wine in his hands. He extend his hand to me for the handshake. I smile and oblige. His jet black hair are gelled and thrown backward. He blink his black eyes at me with a smile.

"Caroline Forbes!" I say as we pull back our hands. I haven't seen this man before so I assume maybe he is someone close to my boss who knows me very well. I wait for him to introduce himself to me.

"Edward...Edward Blake!" His voice which sounded soft earlier is now replaced with atrocious-ness. I purse my lips together to form a smile and try to look unaffected by his intimidation. Edward Blake, the mortal enemy of my boss is standing right in front of me. Why? "You look....."

"Confused?" I say in his behalf, probably trying him to mislead that his introduction has not that kind of affect on me. "I never thought someone like you will talk to me. I mean you're not really in very good terms with my boss so it kind of caught me off guard!"

"I can understand....but Mikealsons and I have a bitter history long before you knew any of us," he says after the last sip of his wine. "But it's a shame...." His words now caught my attention fixed at him. "....that you're caught between us."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Does the name Alberto Castor ring a bell?" He quirked his eyebrows when he read my face. "You and your heinous boss stole the deal I was fated to seal. I just wanna remind you that every single piece of my success that he has able to take away from me is gonna cost him," he daunt while I stick to my ground, trying to process every single terrifying word of his. He means harm, to my boss and me as well. "So I'm just giving you heads up. Leave and stay away from this battle because at the end, it's gonna cost someone's life and I think you don't wanna end yourself being a collateral damage." And saying so, he was now out of my sight, walking back to his seat that is reserved with his name. I can feel the color of my face slowly fading away and it's now masked with menace he successfully caused to me.

The view in my front started to change as people now take their seats in their respective tables. I blink and turn away and find my boss standing in front of me. Did he heard our conversation? I study him cautiously but nothing is all I can figure out. He was wearing a black business suit with a shirt beneath his coat. His hair are gracefully combed and his beautiful eyes have captured me.

"What were you two talking about?" He ask. That means he didn't heard a word.

"He was wishing us good luck for the bid!" I lie because I couldn't brought up that he indirectly threatened me and him ofcource for something I'm unknown to. What could it possibly be that he is not afraid to threatened someone's life. They definitely have some dark past and I'm going to be part of it, if, I stayed.

"Was he?" He ask, dissatisfaction is evident in his face. "That was unexpected," he continues and we walk toward our table. Mikealson's name plate was kept upon it. We both occupy the chair and our eyes are solemnly fixed on Edward. He firstly gives me a knowing smile, practically trying to remind me his threat and then turn his focus at boss. "I wonder what he will say at my triumph when I will win this bid." My boss confidently says looking at Edward who, too, is staring back at him. The wicked smile he wore on his face seems like he heard my boss's word and in return he's giving him a 'You wish' look.

Finally the owner of the land is now standing at the center with everyone's attention at him. He shrug and plaster himself with a contempt smile as many businessman belonging to prestigious company are here. He's proud for the attention he is receiving from all these people.
"It's really a big pleasure for me to see all of you here," he says through the mic. "I personally thank you all for taking your time here with me,"

I glance at my boss who look bore at his speech. I can read his face which says we haven't came here to see you but to buy land. Now stop barking.

That's exactly his thoughts and a little bit of mine, too. This man is taking a lot of time in thanking and welcoming with so much more of unnecessary things he's addressing. After few another boring words, he start what everyone is waiting for.

Six different party including my boss and his enemy Edward fight for the land but the toughest one was between my boss and him. When the price reached higher than everyone's expection, others gave up except them. In first five counting, it was slow but the bid get in higher pace with the price. People were enjoying the show when my boss and Edward was left to compete. They both were giving each-other deadly look with a cocky smile, and confidence never disappearing.

But one has to loose and unfortunately it was my boss.

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