Chapter 33

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I am still looking at the groups of people which has surround my boss and Edward. All I can figure out that they are targeting and taunting each other while the others are enjoying. From my point of view, they are just making a fool of themselves. Carry on because I'm not interrupting.

So here I am, unlocking my room and entering inside. The first thing I do is plug my phone with the charger and discard my sandals. My feet are already aching with pain caused by them so when they touches the cold floor and it gives reliefs them.

I open the small refrigerator and pull out the pizza slices which I saved this afternoon after the lunch. The slices aren't cold because I had lowered the temperature. A little reheating in microwave will turn them soft again. So I shove the plate in the microwave.

By the time it is ready for me to eat, I change my dress with pajamas. The A.C. is already in motion and I lay on the bed with the pizza slices. I make sure to see that my phone isn't switched off or in silent mode incase if boss tries to contact me, I will be able to pick the phone otherwise very soon, this will meet the same fate as my previous phone.

Not even I finished one slice, I hear trails of crashing. I get alert when the noise goes louder. I immediately leave my bed and open the door to hear that from where exactly the noise is coming from. To my ultimate horror, the things are being broken to shreds at the other side of room, the one my boss is currently staying. What is happening now? Before I can think about anything else, the noises grew louder and louder. I think now I should better intervene before things get out of my hand and anyone else interfered and make the situation worse by calling police or media.

When I reach his room, the door was already unlocked and I see him breaking things like a maniac.

"Sir! Are you all right?" I ask and saw a vase flew at my direction. I instantly moved away and the vase hit the wall and turns into pieces. My eyes widen and lips parted in shock.

"I'm Klaus Mikealson and I won't loose." He kicked the heavy couch which barely moved from it's place. I watch him pace back and forth in the room and cursing someone under his breath. What should I do now? Leave him alone or ask him?

"Are you okay?" I shiver between my words. I've never seen such a violent man before. Even my mother had never describe something like this about my alcoholic father. My boss again looks at me with his blood shot eyes and it's clear that he's drunk, a lot more than drunk. He grit his teeth and pushed a bottle down to the ground just like the rest of things he broke.

"This auction, this bidding, it's all set up." He slurs in his squeaking voice and pour bourbon into the glass while I took a step toward him. Am I brave or absolute fool? His darken eyes scares me."It was fixed up just to drew me out and insult me. He even dragged my brother and sister, too!"

"Who?" I try to keep my voice soft so it won't trigger his anger more but no can help me if it's filled with fear.

"My business rival, Blake and his hetchmens." He raises his voice.

"You should calm down," I hold his arm in hopes that I can drag him out of the mess he's making but my efforts become useless when he jerk them and instead grips them and pins me on the wall. I breathe heavily as his face is just an inch away. The red eyes makes him scary and dangerous.

"Don't tell me what to do," he snaps and I breathe alcohol.

"Then anyone has too," I don't how I got courage to say further while captured in his iron grip. His eyes flicker at me and for once, just for a moment they bacame stable. "Don't let them get you like this." I take the advantage of sudden spectacle. His tensed muscle is becoming relax. "They're trying to pull you on edge so you do something that you'd regret." That's all I can say to cool his temper down and he leaves my hand after a thought. I look at my sore wrists which are marked with his fingers. The redness reminds me the pain I felt under his grip.

My efforts were crushed when he again occupies himself with alcohol. I huffed and roll my eyes. I don't think  any single word I just said to make him feel better registered his mind.

He finish the glass and pours another. "Nothing's gonna help." He growls and threw the glass away, straight next to my leg. I flinch and move back.

"You need to sleep." I find my voice breaking in horror. I should have let him be alone. There's nothing anyone can do to calm his nerve right now. He's out of his mind and completely drowning in alcohol; feeling outraged.

"No! I just—I just need some distraction right now." He tells me and Roseline summons in my mind.


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