Chapter 57

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Klaus' P.O.V.

In front of me lies Caroline Forbes, the fragile little girl who happens to have a heart of a gallant. Indeed she looked skinny, weak as I had said, but she was so more than that. And as much as I hate to admit, she just saved my ass.

I checked my phone which was out of luck as it had been long enough in the water to not work. It was going to take a couple of hours to restart. Caroline was still lying on the ground, utterly exhausted after enduring the pain to save both of us. It must be so hard for her to keep us above the water for so long. Whilst I've been passed out right after I jumped into the river, she acted bravely.

I made her sit upright, shook her face repeatedly in order to get any response from her. She was knocked out. My muscles were sore and numb for shook them several times to warm them up. 

Even though the city was pretty close, I had a feeling it was risky to amke a move. They might be on our way and found us. I couldn't trust anyone even if they seemed a civilian until my phone starts working. We probably left hers by the car. I should have known at that time when I saw those construction workers on the bridge. It was a trap when they let us go even though there was a sign board indiacting the road was closed. That's how they blocked other arrival's.

Since Caroline was out of her senses, I should take us somewhere the safe before any of them find out. Just a few couples of the hours, then it would be morning and we would be safe to go back to the city.

I lifted her on her on my shoulders walking side by side to the river, searching for a route and escape which seemed hard for me. Even a little hustle made me jumps. It was two in the morning. 

I've never been afraid of anything literally, except today. It must be her because the thought of her death ober mine was more terrifying.

I walked through the bushes, trying to get away from the city into the woods. I'm sure we could spend a little time in hideout till the morning. Since Brooklyn had no forests in particular, we had enough hiking spot for the locals who wanted to rest in nature in their spare time.

I was tired soon enough. It wasn't her weight on my shoulders. I was overhwhelmed by the upcoming hours. She shouldn't have been with me. Why I brought this upon her? Heck, why did I hire her? She was good at her work, but not good enough. I didn't mind teaching her though. I wanted a noob so she could mold herself as my need. Sometimes I hated when she judged me. It was apparent and all over her face and I would find ways to stuck her on the right nerve. It was fun to see her reaction when I'm with Rose, or I ask her to assist me at various meetings.

I walked more and enough for me to know that we were safe for now as it was utterly dark in there. The moonlight wasn't penetrating much from the trees, giving us a perfect spot to hide and keep a watch everywhere.

After searching a better and clean space than others, I lay her back on the ground which was wet with moisture.

I rested as well beside her, taking deep breaths. My throat was dry, and the wet clothes made the condition worse. There was a perfect chance of freezing to death. The small droplets have been like falling for hours and the temperature was dropping even more.

I looked at her as she was sleeping, nuzzling against my chest. I insoected her a little closer, feeling her breath but they weren't normal. I panicked at the thought she can't sleep longer or her body would slow down, making her highly vulnerable.

I took off her shoes, and held her foot and rubbed the back to warm them up. After a minute a switched to another foot and did the same. Switching back and forth, her feet and my hands had warmed up.

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