Chapter 24

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Roseline drew her brows together with an annoying look. She was clearly unhappy about the question I asked.
"This is the second time I'm telling you that it's none of your business." She hissed with malice and give me a tough look before walking out, leaving me one in the room. I suck my lower lip and bemused. That girl is really unpredictable. One moment she was rediculing me and then the other moment she snarled at my question which I'd asked casually. Whatever, I don't care!

I take a brief look around and stop my sight at those messy files. My fingers automatically went to them and I find myself arranging them. My boss must have left them carelessly after reading them and why wouldn't he! After all he pays me extra to maintain his cabin.

I open them one by one and i discover that they are very important documents. Names of the important investors, various tender codes and so many confidential information were scribbled on them. How could he be so careless to leave them here, like this? I really find it hard to believe that a cautious businessman like him can do such silly kinds of mistake.
I pile them down and stashed them inside the drawers of his desk. After everything was done, I walk out and lock the conjoined door but I really need a real lock so no one can pass through it, not even me.

My phone which I kept on my desk remind me why I came today early.

Rhea Collins!

In a minute I was on the doorway of Bonnie's cabin and just like she told me yesterday, she is busy doing her work. Files bundled up on her desk, cabinets open and she was smashing those black buttons of the keyboard.

"Morning Bonnie!" I wish her and walk to her. Bonnie look up at me and smiles.

"Morning!" She glance her watch. "Aren't you five minutes for early today!"

Technically, I was thirty five minutes early today but unfortunately half an hour of my time was wasted upon that obnoxious redhead, Roseline.
"I guess so. What are you doing, by the way!" I ask and sit on the chair across her.

"Verifying account of Boss' first client and the co-founder of B.M. Care Center For Children. Someone tried to hack their website and I am working on it." She tells me.

"So you're a hacker, too!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, my mother wanted me to pursue MBA but computer science and hacking is my passion. So, I fulfilled her wish and mine, simultaneously." She says while working on her computer. Her eyes were fix on the screen and fingers on the keyboard. I look at my phone and the message.

Fine, just about Rhea Collins who once worked for the Mikealson. Then you'll know that my intentions are good
-Good bye'

I read it again, and again. Bonnie is busy in her work and I don't know if I should ask her or not. It's not denying fact that how aroused I am about this topic. That person is trying to insinuate me but about what and why? It's a mystery and I hate mysterious. They drive me nuts sometime, just like now.

"Yes!" Bonnie declare victoriously. "It's done." She look at me with a grin. "Someone was trying to tamper the website of such a good hospital but I've installed the new security software developed by our team which will solidify it's safety."

"That's amazing!" I appreciate her. She relaxes and leans on her chair.
Now it was the time I could ask her about Rhea Collins. "Bonnie, do you happen to know a girl, Rhea Collins?"

She looks at me, fully dumbfounded. Her relaxing body strains and she adjust herself on the chair, no longer leaning on it.

"From where did you hear this godforsaken name?" She ask me heedfully.

"I just heard some people whispering something about her in the lift!" I lie.

"What did you hear them talking?"

"Nothing more than that she was an employee here!" I tell her whatever information I was provided with.

"She was not just an employee, she was Klaus's PR!" Her statement shocked me. She was his PR, just like me and Bonnie tagged her 'godforsaken'. I swallow the hard lump down my throat. Everyday once in two or three days, I discover some starling information about this reputed company.

"Where is she now?" I ask.

"Fired a year ago!" She tells me, making me completely flabbergasted.
"She became Klaus's PR about 15 months ago. Exactly after the three months I joined here, boss expelled her because she was accused of being involved in a political sex scandal!"

I gasped and lower my gaze to my phone. If Rhea Collins was involved in sex scandal, then why that person is asking me to dig about that girl. This kind of stupid stunt my so-called well wisher tried to pull is childish and pointless. He/she can't initiate me to leave my job for nothing. This is just a distraction and I don't know for what? Or it's just a silly prank someone is trying to do with me.

A knock on the door break my thoughts. A man whom I've seen earlier when I visited Bonnie in her cabin for the first time comes inside. I glance at my watch and the time has passed quickly. It was quater to 10, so I should let Bonnie do her work.

"See you at the lunch!" I tell her and left for my cabin. As soon as I reach mine, I open my computer and googled about Rhea Collins. Our conversation was time taking but short. I couldn't figure out much about her. And on the other side, If I'm able to find a justified reason then maybe I'll look forward to consider those messaging. And if they meant nothing, I'm going to police.

An article appeared on my screen. It says, "The currently appointed PR manager of Mikealson corporation's CEO, Niklaus Mikealson has fired Miss Thea Collins. She's accused for blackmailing Governor's son, Mr. Mike Mason into divorcing her wife and marry her instead. She's currently held on custody while the police is collecting the evidence. Her parents have already publicly-"

I couldn't finish reading it because I heard Roseline laughs which are nearby me. I switch off the screen of my computer so if anyone, like Roseline barge in, then they won't be able to see that I was digging about my boss' ex PR. Roseline's giggles once again reach my ears. First I check the corridor outside my cabin but there was no trace of her. I came back and saw the door behind my desk slightly open.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I groan and rush to that door which is designed between the two bookshelf. The room behind that door is the extension of my office and what the hell is Roseline doing there!

I slide apart the doors and my mouth drops at the scenario.



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