Chapter 27

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"We're leaving now!" My boss orders in his authoritative tone.

"Excuse me?" I am astonished. Is this man insane? Just a few hours he was barking at me like a maniac for switching room at me and now he's asking me to attend the bidding, which is going to be held tomorrow at LA. "We have to leave for LA now?"

"I don't like to repeat my orders. I kindly suggest you that you should open your senses when I'm around," he say and glares me. I stare back because his comment bug me.

"The bidding is tommorow evening. Why we have to leave now?" I ask, curling my lips.

"Do you expect me to give you an explanation," he is angry and irritated. I swallowed thickly. This is the side of him I fear. He is impatiently sitting in my cabin, his legs spread and both hands clasped. His face mask with agitation. The only good thing was that he neither said a word about Samantha Claire nor asked me that why I'm still in my cabin when I don't want to stay in.

"Fine!" I give up. "Let me inform my mom and grab me couple of clothes."

"Call your mother and inform her. Don't worry about clothing. Everything will be available at the motel." He tells me and I nod, reluctantly.

"Then meet me on the roof in two minutes!" He left the room after dismissing his short conversation. I glance at the watch, and it's 5 pm. Mom must be at home or maybe travelling by her car to her various customers. I should leave a message otherwise calling could cost me a lecture for my sudden out going plan. My mother never let me go anywhere, So I've never been to anyplace. My whole life routine includes food, study, sleep and repeat. Travelling and enjoying were limited to school parties or a simple dinner with Selena or Brian. Thinking about Selena remind me of her permanent breakup with my other friend Brian. I haven't called or contacted her. I just want to give her time and space to move on. She'll come around like a sweet bubbly cheerful girl, again.

I texted my mother, grab my purse and phone and left for the top floor. As soon as I reach there I see a Mikealson's private plane. My eyes travels to my boss who is standing at the edge of the roof, probably talking to someone through his Bluetooth.

"I thought he's going to take me with him, but now he's taking you. So you see, bitch, you won." Roseline's exact word played inside my mind. Roseline wanted to assist my boss to LA, but he's taking me, his PR. I want to know why? The way Roseline act around him, I think boss is aware that she's in love with him, but like a jerk, he only use her for his sexual satisfaction. Disgusting!

My phone buzzed and a message popped up on my screen.

'I do hope you find out what I wanted you to know.' The unknown person who claims to be a well wisher of mine messaged me, again. I groan at the screen. He want me to know about a girl who blackmailed a man for fame and wealth. What the heck kind of nonsense joke is this?

'I'm done listening to you. Now don't you dare to message me again or cops will be there to interrogate you' I texted back, threatening him or her.

"Who are you texting?" My boss starled me. What should I say to him? That someone's trying to rip my job away, someone's is bothering me and asking me to dig about Thea Collins.

"My mother...that I'm leaving to LA." I answer him. He look at me from top to bottom intentively. I was simply wearing a peach colored blouse and blue skirt with my regular sandal; and hair ties into a bun. Foundation and highlighter is already vanished, only the traces of it is left.

"Fine, let's go!" He orders and get inside the plane. I follow his que and reach in. The inside of plane is full of seats and comfortable sofas. A big flat screen is planted above the cabinets at one corner of the jet. The door is closed behind me. My boss pull off his coat and hang it on the hangers. His all belongings are placed upon a creamy color couch. I occupy the other couch across the table, facing his. I discard my sandals and comfortably rest on the couch. The plane took off to it's destination.

My boss, on the other hand go to take shower. Since I have nothing to do I look around to find something to pass my time. Upon the cabinets three books are lying. I pick one of them and began reading it but only two pages made me bore. How can I forget that I hate reading novels.


I know the chapter is so short. But please keep patience. I'm running out of time and enjoying my vacations. I'll be back by 5 June and then I'll update frequently.

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