Chapter 82

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"Why are you telling me this?" I ask. Afterall his boyfriend did warn her not to. And I have always seen in the movies whenever someone knew too much they are not alive to tell others.

"Because I'm giving you a reason and motivation," Rose paused. God, I don't know if I will ever get used to her real name. "To get the hell out of this city and vanish from the killing eyes of these two brothers."

My eyes narrowed. "I don't understand. Are you—"

"Yes, I'm letting you go." She finished for me, taking another few seconds of pause. She then seemed calm."I never hated you, Caroline. I never did. I was a bitch to you all the time just to make you quit so I won't have to hurt you. It would be hard to believe but I swear I pitied you all the time, especially after learning that Klaus has feelings for you, or maybe not. God knows what is the truth here. But neither is healthy for anyone. He only thinks of you as a replacement of Thea as you remind him of her. Your hair, your eyes, even your soft voice."

"I think it's too late. I'm in love with him." I find myself telling her this. Maybe I am starting to trust her or maybe I just an idiot.

"Then you did the worst mistake of your life." She states, looking wary.

"Pretty sure it's your fault," I say, thinking the times when she accused me of seducing Klaus.
"You made me think about him. You said I was into him when I wasn't but now I'm. And I can't help it and I don't think I could stay away from him."

"It's not only you and Klaus. It's you, Klaus and Edward."

"Why Edward?"

"Don't you know the whole story of their hatred." I nod and she goes on. "Edward hates Klaus and he will go after the people he cares. And Klaus cares for only three people. Kol, Rebekah and if Edward is right, then you, too."

"And Edward will never hurt Kol and Rebekah, " I tell her as I remember him saying these exact words. "as he wants them by his side."

"Exactly. And that just leaves you. The only person Edward won't hesitate to hurt to get a reaction out of Klaus. So If I conclude everything, it only says you are in deep shit. And trust me on this, it's a tug of war. The more Klaus would want to keep you close, the more Edward will try to take you away from him."

She has a point. Well, she has lots of points. My uncle warned me, my mom, too and I ignore it because I happen to develop a blind spot for someone who can easily be replaced as narcissistic.

So I ask her. "So if I go away, what will Edward do to you? Or Thea?"

"That depends on you." She answers.
"If you do as I say and vanish into thin air then there won't be a problem. I can lie that you ran away somehow but if you stayed and went to Klaus then no one can save me or my family. And that would be on you."

I swallowed. "But Klaus. I—"

"I told you, Caroline. He doesn't deserve your love." She screams.
"Are you gonna forget what he did to my sister, the first girl he loved? Are you sure he's gonna forgive you if you made any mistake in the future? No! Cause he is paranoid just like Edward."

"If I go away as you said, what will you do?"

"I will marry Niklaus, just like Edward planned."

"What are you gonna get by that. A permanent assurance of spying?"

"Not exactly. Right after Klaus's dad cheated on her wife, repeatedly, Sofia wasn't sure to trust him with the company. She had Anderson transfer the 41% on her name but the will is a little bit different. You see after being betrayed by her own husband and seeing her son following his daddy's lead, Sofia altered Mikealson's will, which states that Klaus's wife will inherit that percentage of share. It's not an easy task but all I have to do is play nice with Sofia and convince to transfer before the maturity date. And it can be only done if she is fully assured that her daughter in law wishes for the best of her family."

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