Chapter 71

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I glare at my mom for being so outspoken toward my boss. She doesn't know what she should say and whatnot.

"Resignation?" Boss says when I decide to not look at him now. I am so embarrassed. I didn't open up about it to him. Heck, how would I have been after I'm starting to notice his small gesture? Initially, I used to dismiss them as his way of being ignorant but I can see much more that. I'm still waiting for some confirmation. "What is she talking about?"

I look everywhere but him. He's talking to me now but I don't know what exactly should I say to let this topic slid.

"What do you mean talking about?" Mom spoke before and I realize it's going to get late.

"Mom!" I interrupt and walk to her, sitting beside her. "Stop it. We will talk later about it."

"What is going on here?" He is dumbfounded, too.

My gaze already averted toward him. I can't actually escape his presence. "Not very important."

"It's about your resignation. How is not this important?" He is angry. I can feel it but somehow he's acting calmer just because of my mom.

However, Mom cut in quickly. "I think I'm missing something, too. Did you not talk about it, Caroline?"

"No, I didn't," there was no other way to hide it further. I had lied once again. "I couldn't."

"I'm sick of your lies, Caroline." She scolds me in front of him. "Anyways, if you can't. I will make it happen. She is resigning. Now!"

She madly told him. Now if he's shocked with the demand she is making or he's just infuriated with the tone my mom is using to talk to him. No one talks to him like that.

"She can't." He replies, processing her words very quickly. I can feel my happiness doubled. This is getting good minute by minute.

"Excuse me?" Mom says, taken aback in response.

"She can't leave the company right now."

"She is my daughter and I will decide who she should work with."

I open my mouth to disagree with her but he was very quick to explain.

"It takes time and she officially has two give a two month before notice."

mom squeal. "She almost died because of you and you're asking her to give notice."

"I didn't come here to brawl, Mrs. Forbes."

"I don't either. She no longer is going to work for you. That's final."

He answers back. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid that can happen. It's against our policy. I've clearly stated that line in the appointment letter she had received at the time of joining "

"Why do you care about it? Why are you so interested in my daughter? She's just your employee."

That was unexpected. I don't know what my mom thought and didn't hesitate to ask that. But I'm curious, more than ever. This is the best time to keep quiet and focus on every syllable.

As I observe him, he looked tense. "I've had enough people betray me so I won't let go or turn my back on those who stood by me."

Okay, that doesn't sound like a confession.

Mom's nostrils flare but she composed herself somehow, I think. "So what solution do you have if you insist this much?"

Boss slightly, very slight smile. I can never miss that. "I want her, and you, too, to live at my mansion. That's the best place I can think of considering the situation going around."

Mom scoffed sardonically. I know what she is going to say. I stop her before I regret this moment later.

"Mom.l," I call her. Her head finally turned to me. "Just—"

"Is your boss insane or what?" She cuts in. Damn it.

"Mom!"  I shut my eyes in embarrassment.

"I really don't care what you think of me." Boss interrupts, taking me by surprise. I don't know if I've ever known him. He has so many sides and I'm not even aware of anyone. "But think about it. Since I know you are aware of everything through Caroline, I want you to know that none of you know even a bit about Edward. He's really insane. His boundaries are limitless and he could be obsessed with little things. Right now, it's her and he won't stop. She is not the first one as I have already lost two people in my life due to him. If you wish to sit and wait for that same thing happens to your daughter, then alright. She won't be alive longer. But with me, I can assure her safety."

That shut up my mom and I can feel goosebumps all over my body. Who could be those two people he had lost.

"I can't take this decision this quick. I don't trust you even a bit." She answers.

"You don't have to. It's her decision to make." Boss pointed at me. "And she already had made one."

Now that got me a surprise. I never confessed I want to come to him. Mom shockingly looks at me as I stay dumbfounded. "I didn't say yes."

"You didn't say a no, either." He reminds me.

"Fine!" Mom shouts, making us flinch. "Since you have decided everything by yourself then go. You didn't need me. You never did. You always do as you please, so go ahead but I'm staying behind, feel free to return."

She storms off the living room and shut the door of her room. She is so angry right now. But one thing is clear that how much I could try, she won't agree to this. How long it took for the boss to convince her but she is acting like a baby.

I don't know what to say to my boss or how should I say to him that I can't. My mom doesn't even like him then how the hell everything is supposed to work out?


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