Chapter 45

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He is Kol, standing in front of me beside Brad. He is wearing a red sweatshirt and jacket with black jeans. Though, now teenagers and even adults wear excessivlly ripped jeans, his jeans had no holes. He passed me a smile and I can't help but smile back. Its just the same as my boss. Kol don't have dimples like his brother but the similarity is so close. Remembering about boss which I shouldn't (because I dont want him into my another dream), I wished he had not granted me half day leave otherwise I wouldn't stuck up here.

"You know her?" Brad ask and Kol, too, question back at the same time. "You know her?"

"She's a friend of my friend." Brad answers first with immense politeness.

"Umm..she..." Kol tries to tell him but I interrupted. If brad knew that I'm his brother's PR then he'll tell to Brian which I want to do myself. He, too, is unaware what PR stands for.

"Brian is on the call. He wants to talk to you." I tell him and hand over the phone. He walks away a bit further to converse. Told you he's secrative. Since we got a little time, Kol walks to me at the same time I walk toward him.

"What are doing here?" I ask him.

"I came to retrieve this drive." He showed me a small pendrive in his fingers. "Brad's my temporary employee whose work is to create codes for my app. You do remember that I'm creating a non-GPS tracker app."

Ring a bell, Caroline!

And yes he did when we danced at the auction, yesterday. Yes, it was yesterday but it feel like a month had passed. So much happen in last 24 hours.
"Absolutely but you came here all the way by yourself to get this. I mean you could have send someone."

"I like to do everything by myself and everyone is working so hard. My team is making sure that the app will be ready to be test in next twenty four hours."

"Thats great. You know I think I never congratulated you."

"Save that for later when I launch it. You can join me at the inauguration."

His words were enough for me to flush. I didn't answer but lowered my eyes to control myself. I hear a chuckle escape from Kol's mouth.
"So what brought you here?" He ask and that's when I look at him.

I was about to answer him when Brad returned and cut in between our conversation, "Brian told me everything. Are you sure you want to go back at this time? I mean it's not safe to travel alone in bus and you know you're welcome to stay at our apartment"

"I'm fine. Thanks but I had to go. " I declined it instantly, "I just can't stay here."

"And what about your phone. You have to come back to get it. I'm pretty sure your prostitute friend-"


"I'm sorry. My tongue slipped. Here's $10 and twelve cents. It all I got right now." He said sweetly and a little embarrassed for not keeping enough money though it is more than enough. Fare is hardly expensive to the neighbouring town.

"It will work just fine, Brad. I just need to get the hell out of here." I tell him, horror evident on my face just only thinking about Selena and her roomie hovering over me again and dragging me to the places I don't want to go. And if Brian's warning about Selena is true then I'm sure I'll regret going back. So, the best thing is to stay away from her and about my phone, Brian will retrieve it for me.

Brad pull out his wallet and emptied it. Just the moment I am about to take it, Kol interrupted us. I had really forgotten that he is here with us, watching me taking money from him. It is embarrassing, after all he is my boss brother and my boss pays me well but here I am in need of couple of dollars. What a shame!

"Its alright. You don't need to take the bus," Kol says as I watch him in awe, "I'm leaving back to Brooklyn. You're welcome to come with me." He suggested. It is actually a brilliant idea. Not because that I no longer needed Brad's money but because I don't have to travel alone at this time. Its a safer idea.

"Really?" My eyes shine.

"Yes, ofcourse. That's what we do when friends are in need of someone, isn't it?" He speaks brightly and I flush again thinking about his word 'friend'. It's something you can't expect. We've just met yesterday and he referred me as his friend. It is unbelievable. I'm nothing in front of him-he's boss brother, the another heir of the company I work for while I'm just another PR who has nothing in compare with anyone, let alone him.
He's gorgeous, not to forget his smile is deadly like his brother and what I find the most charming and admiring thing about him is his down to earth behavior. Yes, he's sweet.
"Mr. Gregory. Thanks for the your part in my work. I'll make sure to give your credit to you publicly and You can leave this young lady with me. I, myself will leave her safely at her house."

Just like I knew, he spoke very softly to Brad and I couldn't miss the sweet note in his voice. Brad, however seems uncertain whether to let me leave with him or not. But after few seconds he smiles and nodded. The answer is clear. And who can object a man like Kol, especially brad as he is his temporary boss and employer. Brad then give me another take care glance and stalked away.

"So what's the matter with your phone?" Kol ask when brad was out of earshot.

"My friend has it and she's not giving me back. So I'm leaving without it." I tell him glumly as if not having my phone was the end of the world.

"I think I can get it for you," He sound confident. I give him a disbelief look, "you don't believe me. Let me tell you that girls can't resist me," He grinned and it wasn't like he was taking pride of it but I knew he was saying it to boost my confidence. I notice his adoring smile again and reminded myself that he's actually right. Girls can't resist him.

"I do believe you." I chuckle, meaning my words by heart.

"So shall we go and see her?" He ask.

"Are you sure?" I question back. He gives me a disapproving look when I said, "okay but what if Selena sees me. Then I'll be compelled to stay put till morning."

He pursed his lips in the cutest way possible while sinking in a deep thought and then he hurried over to his car. After unlocking the back trunk, he searches for something which looked like dozens of shopping bags. Next moment, he pulled out a white long piece of clothe. It's a scarf.

"Here you go." He handed it to me and then pull down his jacket.

"What are you doing? It's freezing."

"Then I think you should be one who needs to worry more." He indicated at my dress length. The temperature had dropped even more when I arrived at college. I'm sure I shivered a lot but didn't realized it because I was too occupied with the whole thing. Kol wrapped his jacket around me and orders me to cover my shiny blonde hair with it.

Without a second thought, I did as he asked. Covering myself properly so that it will take minutes to realize that it's me, we entered back the bonfire party.

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