Chapter 50

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When I woke up, almost everyone knew I was at their house. To my no surprise, the family was weird than I expected. Since Bonnie had already given me some piece of information about mikealson family, I had already my own assumptions and that is why nothing surprised me when I find that almost what I'd assumed was true.

The Mikealson family is the dullest one I've ever seen. When I woke up this morning, it was late. Kol told me that he came to woke me up but his father already came to know that someone is staying at guestroom and that someone is me. Mr. Mikealson didn't called me by my name or in sweet gesture, infact he simply referred me a living asset of his company. After I took bath and wore the same clothes of Kol's sister, Mr. Mikealson invited me for the breakfast and I wasn't blind to notice that his sweet invite was not at all sweet. It was burden and unwillingness and he was clearly not happy. Kol was trying to be by my side whenever he could.

When I finally arrived for the breakfast, Mrs Mikealson behavior toward me was churlish and way more uncomfortable than Mr. Mikealson. At least he didn't look at me like I'm trash. Boss had arrived, taken aback once again seeing me at the breakfast table as if he wasn't expecting me. His father starts conversation about the business and how I fit in between. I answered his each question with as much authenticity as I could show. But they intimidated me. Really I never had the idea that rich people can be obnoxious as well. I wonder how Kol's sister would be. Please don't be a bitch.

When Kol dropped me a little far from my home, I was relieved that mom didn't noticed me. However she asked how the sleepover was or why I came in the morning straight back home when I was suppose to go office from there. It was so hard to lie, not because I'm a bad liar but it involved selena. And just thinking about her made my stomach turn into knots, let alone twist the truth. Hearing all the lies I've just fed her, she was not suspicious. After I change my dress into office attire, I drive to my office.

It came to me as a surprise when I realize that I reached office my very quickly. Maybe I was too occupied with everything that I hardly had conscious to observe my surrounding. The first person I saw with a great focus was Crystal. Looking at her only makes me think how selfish people are. I'm not saying I'm very selfless but I won't wound someone just because you can't admit your own flaws. Now I've started to believe in the phrase of 'people disappoint' because people really disappoint.

I glanced Crystal a final look before entering into elevator. I don't know if she made any new friends since Bonnie stopped talking to her, which is because of me. The elevator is packed with people and one of those people was Samantha, the girl with whom I unsuccessfully switched cabin. She was standing at my opposite corner, busy in her phone. By the time, we reached the top floor, I followed her and stopped her.

"Fuck you!" She spat and left leaving me in shock and embarrassed as few people heard her shouting at me.

Wow, this is just the beginning of another crappy day. Glumly, I make my way to my cabin and check my boss's which is locked that means he has not arrived yet. My day gets miserable by the afternoon. I spent most of the time surfing through net. I checked, then rechecked my boss meeting schedule as many of them are post poned for next week.

What the hell is he playing at?

At LA, he told me to fix appointment with his clients and partners but now almost are either cancelled for two months or postponed to another week. The most unusual thing that happened today was that boss had not called me. Each morning, I had to report and remind him about important schedule, meetings and investors. But none of like that happened today as he didn't called me.

Lunch rolls around quickly when I shove my thoughts away, and occupy myself with whatever work I could finish. Bonnie met me halfway in the elevator so we can lunch together but I had to abondoned her when Brian appeared with his car to take me. I apologized to Bonnie who didn't seemed angry or sad. When I bounced in Brian's car, he said which wanted me to jump out of the car.

"We should talk about Selena!"


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