Chapter 79

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"Oh, son of a bitch!" I groan, grabbing my head which is hurting badly. Champagne and whiskey weren't worth the pain I'm having now.

I turn and take my phone to check the time. It's 11:13 in the morning. Hell, I've slept for so long. I get up quickly and walk to the bathroom with a headache. It feels like there a heavy ball rolling inside my head.

After opening the tap, I take some water in my both palm and splash it on my face. Chills made me better.

When I was done with refreshing up and shower, I pulled in a pair of jeans and a beige-colored jumper. 

At the dining table, surprisingly, I see Mrs. Mikealson in her yoga pants. Damn, how long does she work out to maintain her sexy curves and beauty?

Hesitating, I take a seat on the table. It is just us, with Kay who is coming and going carrying breakfast.

"Hello, Mrs. Mikealson." I greet. What else do I do? That would be super rude to avoid her as it's her house.

"Caroline," she says, "you can call me Sophia!"

I force a smile. Honestly, I don't like her. Her first impression made clear the last time I was here. But her British accent is very tempting. "Yeah why not, S...Sophia!"

Kay serves apple pie, Avacado sandwich, and pancakes with sliced strawberries.

"I think we never had a proper conversation before."

Because you were so busy ignoring me.

"Yeah, we didn't!" I answer before biting the Avacado sandwich.

"Great! Cause I've plenty of time to catch up." She grins and it was awkward.


"Despite the fact, my son Klaus doesn't talk about his business or it's people, I'm kinda a curious about you."


"Of course you," she chuckles, "who else it could be. Even Rebekah and Kol are getting along with you pretty well.  That's pretty impressive of you to have their interest roped in you."

"I'm flattered!" That wasn't hard to not smile.

She goes on. "I never paid attention to you before. Neither do when you visited the first time but I want you to know that I'm thankful for saving my son's life. He may have drowned if you haven't brought him on the bank."

"He saved me, too," I tell her, thinking about the night.

"You're being modest now!" She sips her juice. "Klaus is very sensitive. He takes things deeper than any one of us. He may mask it with other things but I'm his mother and I can see all of it. He's helping you by staying here until Edward is locked behind bars. Recent days have been hard on you but we assure your safety here."

"Thank you!"

"But I was thinking you could help me with one thing." She makes a face that you can't decline. She's basically manipulating me with sweet talk.

"Why not?" I show interest. What if it's related to the boss? And I get to stay closer to him. "Name it?"

She gets excited as expected. "Well, as it was already announced last night that we are going to have a wedding very soon. Klaus and Rose. I like that girl—"

Wedding? What? When? My mind raced and halted the moment when last night's party struck me. I was so occupied with my headache after getting up that I had forgotten what was last night party about. Other's celebration and my destruction.

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