Chapter 21

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I groan as my alarm buzzes inspite of being habitual of waking up at 7 per day. It's all the fault of the warmth of my bed which is hard to resist forever. I toss to the other side of the bed and pick up my brand new phone to shut off the piercing alarm. The iPhone is little heavy than my previous Android but it's screen and touch work just amazing. I swipe the screen and find a message of Brain.

Coming back Brooklyn at Labour's day weekend. Brian.

How about I buy you a lunch? I replied him. It was glad to know that I can finally talk to him and ask him to give Selena a second chance. Truthfully to me, it's weird of using 'second chance' again and again whenever Selena screwed over and I have to deal with the two of them. Since there was a no quick reply, I decided to take the shower and get dressed for my work.

Within half an hour, I was completely dressed. Instead of making a bun, I pull my hair into a pony. With a final touch of my lip gloss, I take my purse and walk out of my room.

My phone buzzed and Brian responded to my text. Sure! I'll be there in 2 days.

I send him a smiley emoji and joined my mother at breakfast. She has already served breakfast on my plate while she herself was busy in papers work of her bookshop.

"Mom! Why do I see you all the time working with the cash register? Is something wrong with them?" I asked while I eat my friend eggs.

"It's not really a big issue. I just did some miscalculation. That's it."

"Then give it to me. I can fix them in minutes!" I tell her but she kept her eyes fixed on that register as well as some papers and a brown envelope that I've seen a lot of times. "Mom? Are you even listening me?" I scowl.

"Ofcourse I am!" Finally, she meet her green eyes to me. "But you have a job to handle and I don't want you to burden with my work too."

"What!! Burden?" I scoffed. "Solving some calculation issues are not burden mom, and last time I checked, I was the one who handled your register."

"Not anymore!" She fireback. "Now finish your breakfast because I don't want you to be late for your office!" She dismissed the conversation and I frown silently. Fine! Let her do whatever she wants. I finished my breakfast in complete silence while her's was untouched.

Without another word, I silently walked way from her.


"Caroline!" A voice called me when I was going toward the elevator. I spun and find Crsytal coming to me and I don't know why I feel like turn my back at her and go away from her. Whatever she planned earlier to do was horrible. Trying to steal someone's job because you're not capable is a shameful act.

"Hey I wanted to talk to you!" Crystal says and I stand still at my place. "Actually I wanted to apologise!" She's hesitating and I can clearly see that.

"You mean your stupid little act you try to do with every PR manager!" I scowled.

"I am really sorry for that—"

"You better be!" I cut her off and with an eye roll, I went to elevator without a word. Even though, we did lunch together yesterday but I don't feel like talking to her or forgiving her for that matter. Maybe some day I may forgive her but today is at least not that day. I walk past my boss's door and feel my mood lighter.

Boss is in UK, so I won't have to bear Roseline. She really annoys me limitlessly, so today will be a relief and I will be able to work peacefully. My wish was granted when I find no one like Roseline in my cabin. She really have no manner or limits and barge in and out anywhere as if she owns that place.

With a shrug, I shoved her thoughts away and get to my work.


Hey guys, I know it's really a very very short chapter but I've been busy these days as my family is planning for a trip to Mumbai and Goa. It's really exciting because I've never been to anywhere until now. This is my first trip and I'm going crazy about it.

Right now, I'm fully occupied with packing and other stuff. Spare me my mistakes and long awaitings. I'll be back with long chapters, very soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Thank you for keeping patience, for loving and appreciating my work. It means a lot.

You can follow me on my Instagram. I've a personal account. 'anshika_sahu1114'. Please message me first that you're a Wattpad user. Its just for the privacy matter.
Thank you again because you all are amazing. See you in next update. Till then—


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