Chapter 72

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Last night and the entire noon had been overly melodramatic. I have never seen my mom throw this much tantrums.

We had dinner in absolute silence and whenever I tried to open up conversations, she slams me back of lying. I held myself from calling her a hypocrite.

However, something unexpected happened and I was in awe.

Mr. Castor dropped by the very next morning. I ignored him, but kept a close watch on why he came.

An hour later my mother called me out and asked me to pack my bags as my newly found uncle approved pf me staying at Mikealsons.

I don't know how did that happen but I wasn't going to ask. Mr. Castor suggested she should move out with me but she straight away declined.

"Listen," my uncle says as soon as I load my bag in the back seat of the car and sit on the passenger seat, "let me make myself clear about a few things on you going over there."

"Why did you change your mind? " I ask, "I still remember you trying to get me fired."

"I still want that to happen," he starts the car, "I had initial plans to move you both out of New York but Edward is keeping a close watch on you."

"Oh really?"

He ignored my attitude. "While I secure a good place for you and your mother. You staying at mikealson is not a big deal. It's rather safe."

"What about mom?"

"She wasn't willing to let you go."

"Yet she let me."

"She is your mother. She worries about you." He tells me. "But don't you worry. I'm keeping her safe."

"Why not let us stay at your place?" I asks him. Not because i want to live anywhere near him but the question popped out of nowhere.

"As your uncle I should." He said. "But I want to hold our family relation a secret for while." He took a deep breath, his eyes heavy with concern.
" Edward and I go a long way. My adopted kid, as you may remember them, Eileen and Jason are involved with other business with him. I don't want to it jeopardize."

I shot him a sharp look.

"Yet!" He added.

"Well, I'm touched," I mock, rolling my eyes.

"You should," he certainly doesn't mind my ignorance. "But I want you to be careful there too. We may say that Niklaus Mikealson knows the line he shouldn't cross but never trust anyone other than yourself."

That is something we both agree on.

He continued. "For almost a decade, they have been pinching each other to snap and lately everything is getting out of hand."

Another thing to agree on.

"I still don't get it how did you come between them." He looked at me for an answer.

That is something I was working on. And I am not telling him that.

His car stops and we both look away. He throws a scrutinized gaze around us before speaking. "We are only a few meters away from his home. I'll keep a watch on you till you go inside."

I take my bag and look at the message I've sent my boss about my arrival. There was no answer and my stomach was flipping with anxiety of not having heard from him. The huge part of my anxiety is how am I going to face him or family. Surely he would've discussed about me inviting over, wouldn't he?

I come out of my car and walk to the enormous iron gate. The first guard doesn't stop me after I tell him I'm their master's PR. They didn't understand what PR actually meant, so I went for the term 'secretary'.

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