Chapter 47

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"I think you should get up or else I'll carry you," the same voice kept ringing in my head. I let out a soft groan at my person for interrupting my sleep.

"Go away, mom." I moan annoyingly in my sleep, pushing away  the pair of hands.

"As much as I like to become your mom, I don't think I can qualify for that. So get up otherwise I'm sure I'm going to take you in my arms."

"You can't pick me up, mom. You'll trip and fall with me." I again jerk those hands away and resist not to open my eyes. God, I've been rooting to sleep like this. So, let me sleep.

"Fine that's it." I hear some muffled and thuding noise and all of sudden,  chill air whip me. Those two hands again touch me and slip me out of my bed. My hands automatically encirled something and I rest my head on a soft pillow. I've no idea what's going on. Maybe I'm dreaming and whatever this dream this, it feels so nice. Blank but comfortable.

"When did you become so powerful, mom?" I mumble because I no longer feel that sleepy like I was few minutes ago. The constant buzzing, and cars honk, why the hell people travel at night and then clattering of footsteps are irritating me. I wish everything could shut up for sometime.

"Caroline! I'm taking you my home."

"Don't we live in the same house?"

Mother chuckled and that's it. Who wakes her daughter in the middle of the night and then says that she is taking me her house. With an exhausting yawn, I open my eyes. The vision is blurry until I blink my eyes and rub them with one hand. When I look up, mom looks different. Wait, thats not mom. The person who is carrying me is Kol. And the thing I am encircling is his neck whiel the pillow I thought comfortable is his chest.

"What?—" I stammered in embarrassment "I'm sorry—I—"

"Relax! I know I'm too young to be someone's mom, not to mention my gender." He jokes in his usual way but I don't find it funny. Infact, I am absolutely stunned. I was so sleepy and so exhausted that I forget where I am.

"Kol—you can let me down. I can walk."

He look at me amusingly and drop me down gently on my feets. I look around at the place which is stuffed with cars. It's a parking area but not as same as at my office. There are not so cars, but all of them are expensive and branded.
"Where are we?" I ask.

"My home!"

"Your home?"

"Yup, I kept asking you your address but you were too exhausted to say anything. Tell me when did you slept last time."

In LA, around 4 in the morning.

Instead, I say, "yesterday! What time is it?"

"Half past one" He tells me and I squeeze my eyes. It's really late to go back home. What will I say to my mother? Selena told her that I'm having a sleepover at her house so when I will turn up at this morning, she'll go mad. And what explanation I'll give her about this dress.
"Look, if you don't want to come. I understand. I'll drop you at your home, now." Kol says and I look at him, then to my dress and began calculating the situation about what reaction my mother would give if I arrive like this in the middle of the night.
"Oh yes, the sleepover thing," Kol took the hint about my worries. I have already told him everything about the blunder. "You know what, you're staying. I'll make sure to drop you in the morning. And Bex's gone for the night. She'll be back by tomorrow. You can use one of her clothes."

"Your parents won't mind and you brother who is my boss—"

"Everyone's asleep by now. I'll slip you back before anyone will know."

"Are you sure?"

"Dead sure!" With that, he took my hand and take me with him. We walk past the parking space, then the enormous garden and reach the massive mansion. Guard let us in after he bow down and we enter his house. I see the high ceiling with chandelier everywhere hanging on them. Big walls painted with white and gold color, big leather couches and floor which is neatly furnished. Walls bore the weight of famous and most authentic paintings I think I've never seen. Huge vases are standing at specific places, giving the view more catchy look. At right, a circular and wide upstairs is made but screw all of it as I need to use the bathroom.
"Where's the guest room." I whisper to him. "I have to use the bathroom"

"Upstairs, take the left, corner one" He tells me. "I'll fetch you a dress meanwhile." And he scooted off quietly to other direction. I follow the instructions and climb the stairs while watching the four big abstract painting, and take the right, straight to the corner room.

When I get inside the room, the view was different. Unlike how the guest room should be, the room looks like someone's personal room. It was huge with white and gray colored wall. The interior design reminded me of boss's personal cabin. It's just same except the color of the wall and instead of huge oak desk, a king size bed is placed.

Shit! I need to pee. So I stopped the exploring and get into the bathroom which I very modern like the rest of the house but this room very masculine. After I'm done, I sprinkle a little water on my face and wipe it off. Then I walk out of there and reach the exit but stopped when I heard some voice. Two people were talking outside the room and one of them is my boss in his thick British accent.

"He's taking this to another level," boss yelled at someone.

"And if you think your absurdity is the answer to it, then I suggest you to back off. You're going to ruin everything I built." Replied a heavy voice, thick as boss.

"You built and then destroyed it with your own hands. And It was I who started it with the ashes. So, don't you dare to call it yours." Boss hissed while I stayed at my place.

"If thinking that makes you happy, then I won't mind. After all, everything of mine is yours."

"And what about him?" He snarled.

"I told you it was a mistake. Now take whatever you're doing down, now! I don't want someone blowing our house apart."

"I won't. He has to go down. Once and for all."

"Fine!" The other man who seems to my boss' father signed heavily. Who else would have audacity to talk to him in such high tone, "keep doing that and I assure you that Kol and Rebekah are going to find out soon."

There is silence. Boss didn't replied. Looks like he lost for words only because of his siblings. Sure he loves them a lot. Then he finally said, "if that means this, then it's good for them to know that they have another brother, Edward Blake!"

I clapped my mouth with my hands in shock. Brother? And Edward Blake? Their brother! Oh my God! Then how come he is lives apart from them and that too with another last name. Did they shunned him? I think even Bonnie didn't knows about it. This is...this is—hell, I don't know what call it. But the most sad part is that Kol and Rebekah have no idea about it. And I think that is the thing Kol referred that his brother and father have some issue they are completly unaware of.

I shudder and take a step back. My hand accidentally touched something. Before I can see what happened in one nanosecond, a vase fell and scattered on the floor in pieces. I back away once more carefully not to damage something else and then I heard hurried footsteps coming closer to me.

I immediately run to the bathroom to hide. If I'm caught, Kol and I are gonna get into a lot of trouble and let's not forget that I was prying at their conversation which I could have simply ignored it but I didn't.
I run past the huge closet when a hand grabbed me and spin me around.
My heart beat skipped when I see boss in front of me. His eyes were narrowing at me in complete bewilderment.

I open my mouth when another pair of footsteps reach my ear. Boss grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Sir—" In a flash, he immediately pinned me to the wall while he uses the other hand to shut my mouth. I struggle, trying to remove his hand from my mouth but in vain. I'm idiot to think when I couldn't fight his strength in his drunken state, then how can I fight when his eyes are filled with rage. I again use my force but the more I try, the harder he push me back to the ground.

"Ssshh!" He shushed.

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