Bonus Chapter and spin off

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Five years later!

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, " the priest said. "Mr. Mikealson, you may kiss the bride."

I looked up, my dreamy eyes glistened at the guy I'm marrying. We leaned closer, our clasped hands now embracing each other.

Klaus locked his lips with mine as we devoured every second of it. People, our families, and friends clapped, viewing us in happiness.

Five years, I can't believe it has been that long. We survived, our love faithful and unwavering. It took me a year to get accustomed to the feeling that I'm neither stalked nor threatened. The story of Edward closed after he was imprisoned with a life sentence.

I took a break after that. I was no longer serving as his assistant but rather went for administration training and degree. Klaus and I occasionally met on various dates, giving each other space and time.

"Ready!" I giggle, keeping my back at the girls and preparing to throw the bouquet.

Everybody chanted yes.  I take a peek back to see Rebekah and Selena standing beside each other, already competing with the eye. Rebekah became like a sister to me. For years she supported me, taking me with her at social gatherings. Selena came around soon and we patch up our friendship. She is currently an intern at the finance department in a local company.

"Ok, here I go!" I yelled in enthusiasm, throwing it away in their direction. When I turned Rebekah and Selena held it by both ends. It got hilarious when Rebekah snatched it, showering petals on their feet. At least they both laughed.

I leaned to Klaus who held my hand. The waves behind us roared, sending chills and wind in our direction. It was romantic to get married at a private beach in Vegas. "I love you to the moon and back."

He kissed me whispering the same words back. I remember how insecure I was. Of course, Edward stood with a knife at my throat so I had doubts he was with me because of him. Because of his need to protect me from him. So I was scared. Scared that he might be the same after we got rid of him. But he was. He suggested me I complete my training to assist him as his wife, not as an assistant.

"We have a flight to attend." Klaus reminded me of our honeymoon trip to Paris. Oh my! I almost died of happiness. With him, I feel like a dream and every time he touches me and kisses me, he reminds me that my dream is real. Never have I ever imagined, this guy, Klaus who use to bang women in his office shamelessly will become the biggest part of my life.

I hugged my mom, my uncle, and their kids, Eileen and Jason followed by Selena,  Bonnie, and Brian who had walked me down the aisle. He was now married to a girl I don't know much about. I never asked when and why he broke up with Amanda. I was happy to know he was having a great life.

"Have a wonderful journey!" Kol embraced me in a hug and gave me a kiss on the cheeks. "Nik and you are perfect."

I kissed him back. "Thank you," I said and held his hand which encircled an engagement ring in his finger. "You're next!"

He laughed as I teased him.

"It's time, love!" Klaus appeared suddenly and carried in a bridal style before I can say yes. Everyone hooted in cheers as I blush, hard.

Klaus carried me past everyone they showered us with flowers, cheering for us as we approached his car.

He lightly drops on the passenger seat and walks around the car to take the driving one. We both smiled at our families and friends and he drove away.

"Finally!" I giggled.

"Finally what?" Be asked, taking my hand with his.

"I waited for this day, for this moment and it's thousand times beautiful than I imagined."

"Come here!" He said and I leaned closer and he kissed me. God If he wasn't driving, I was going to celebrate our honeymoon right here.

We broke apart from cuddling when my phone chimed. I looked up to see Rose's message on my screen.

Congrats, babe! I wish I could have been there!

I replied. You always are!

She has been Rose for me, not Charlotte who was now settled in Melbourne with her sister. After Edward's downfall, Klaus and I decided to keep her identity a secret. We became closer. She was my second Rebekah.

Klaus stopped the car near his jet and climbed down. I look at his perfection and admire it. He was a walking God, and I'm lucky to have him.

"Shall we?" He held out his hand.

I smiled and put mine on him. "Till death do us part."

The End!


I hope all of you enjoyed it. It has been a great time writing it and your support was the thing that kept me going.

So it's time for the spin-off.


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Edward Churchill Blake is the COO in his father's company aiming to replace his brother as CEO. His plan in motion was distracted by Estella, an independent and outspoken woman he desires to have.

Estella Jean Sergeant faced back to back setback in her accounting career, shattering her confidence. Trying to resist Edward so she could focus to rebuild her life, she somehow finds herself investing in his new project.

As Edward rope Estella into his life deeper, she feels drawn to him, unaware of his psychological tendencies that include constant lying, manipulation, and death threats, and she found herself in an unbearable relationship.

Unravel their cruel relationship in my other spin-off Psychotic Maniac.

Release date: 4 July 2020.

For further queries, drop your questions here!

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