Chapter 28

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"You're a liar...and cheater!" My voice cracked as tears streamed down my face in front of a 16 years old blond guy. His face was blank and eyes were gazing the floor of our high school.  "All this time, you're just playing with my feelings."

He looked at me, his face tough. My stomach tightens in knot at his cunning reaction. The aching pain still harbours inside me. I can't help but cry. The other students watch us as they walk past us, but I couldn't look at any of them, but him.

"I'm sorry!" He finally spoke, guilt barely visible in his voice. His golden eyes pierce my blue and green ones.
"It was just a bet. Don't take it personally!"

"Are you kidding me, Kevin Harper!" I yelled and two girls who were walking at the same hallway stopped at my squeaky voice but they left when they realized they aren't getting an apology from me. "I thought....I thought you really loved me."

His jaw tighten as he slams his knuckles on the locker. I flinch, a bit. Kevin Harper, a famous Playboy with God looks was made my partner for our history project. We exchanged few mails and eventually started talking a lot. Within three weeks we started dating. Oblivious of his true intentions, I started to fall in love with him but this trance of mine was broken by my best friend, Selena. She told me that Kevin made a bet to take the virginity of a nerd girl and when I was made his partner, I became his target.

"You really need to cool down and stop making a scene," he said curtly. "And you were already aware of my reputation so don't you try to blame all of it on me. You're partly responsible, too."

"You're right!" I sniff and wiped my tears. "It's my fault to pour my heart to you and tried to see the good side of you when there isn't any. I should have known what kind of bastard you are." I hissed between my sniffs. "We are over and I'm not going to prom with you!" I turned on heels to go away from him.

"I'm too, glad to be free of you. You were so fucking annoying." He huffed behind my back and left. I stayed at my spot and held back my tears. No way I was going to waste them for a prick like him. As soon as he was gone, I turned and leaned against the lockers and my traitor tears streamed out.

The whole day I passed without crying. It was only possible because I had to keep myself occupied. Selena had gone to her aunt's anniversary celebration, so she wasn't there console me and I think it was better because if she were here, I would have done nothing, but cried. In each of my classes, I occupied myself with the studious students. They are not my friends but we sometime hang out  only for study. In each class I can find those rare few studious students who involve themselves in studies, studies and studies. They rarely make friends because, as per them, they are distraction.

When I reach my home, my mom wasn't there. She had gone at Johnson's. I toss my bag and reach upstairs. I open the refrigerator and pull out a bottle of water. Emptying it to half, I finally breathe calmly, but still, I can feel it. I can feel the pain of heartbreak. It was the worst pain. It breaks you mentally and emotionally. I closed the refrigerator and spun. Two hands encircled around me and hugged me tightly. I recognized the copper hair, tall figure and slim hands.
She was Selena.

"Oh my care-bear," she caressed my hair and I wrap my arms around her. The tears which I had solidify like ice began to dissolve. I don't wanna cry. I don't want to break. Please stop!

She breaks the hug and cupped my face. "Ryan told me about your break up." Ryan was Selena boyfriend who was also friends with Kevin's. He was the one who told Selena the whole matter. "It's okay!"

"No, it's not okay!" I cried, trying to hide my swelling red face. Selena shouldn't be here, neither talk about Kevin. It only increases my pain and rage, but I can't ask her to leave. She is here, for me. Selena looped her hand with mine and make me sit on the couch.

"It's fine. It's was just a month. You'll move on." She comforts me, but it's not fine. Just because he couldn't take my virginity doesn't make it right.

"It's not!" I wasn't angry but anger reflected in my voice. "It hurts!" I said in a low tone.

Her fingers slid upon my arms to my shoulder as I watch it. Suddenly she cupped my face again in her grasp. Her touch was soft and soothing than before. I look at her face. My eyes widen as I find a pair of beautiful green blue eyes. Her copper hairs had transformed into dirty blonde hair.

I look again, after blinking my eyes a few time. Am I dreaming? What the hell is happening?

"Nothing's gonna hurt you, sweetheart!" The thickly accent voice spoke to me. I couldn't dare to utter a word as I see my boss sitting beside me, holding my chin under his palm. He's wearing the same suit he wore when we got inside the plane. The way he spoke made me feel better. It was strange. Him—speaking softly, calmly, even his eyes. I've never seen him talk this way. All I have seen and heard him growling.

He wipes my tear and I stare him, confusingly and hungrily. I was confused that how am I able to see him instead of Selena and hungry because I want him to comfort me. I want to bury my head upon his chest and stay like that for forever.

"Are you going to stay with me?" I asked him, looking desperately.

"I am. I always am." He cooed and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm here."

I felt safe and happy and distracted from all the pain I bore all the day. My head rested upon his chest just like I wanted and closed my eyes. Everything has eloped, far away from me. I'm fine, really fine. There's no more pain.

"Are you ever going to wake up?" A loud voice affrighten me and I squeeze my eyes open. I see a blurry age of my boss who standing beside the couch I was sleeping on. I bolted upright, rubbed eyes and looked around. The glass which divide the plane into two sections reflects my image in it. I look tired and sleepy.

"We've reached L.A.!" He informs me. I stare at my watch and see it's 8:10. That means I've sleeping for three hours. The book I was reading is back in it's place and a soft thin white sheet is spread on me. I look at my boss who is unreadable. Did he covered me with this and let me sleep in his private plane.

"I.. I'm sorry!" I quickly apologize and get on my heels. Without any predictable gestures, he walked down the plane. I wonder at myself for sleeping like this, in front of my boss. Even though my working hours of today is over but I'm still on my work.

I breathe out and wipe my face with bare hands, and then I glance around and I don't know why, but I imagine my boss sitting beside me, and hugging me. I feel like I've experience this.

I shrugged at the impossible thought. Why would he hug me? More importantly why am I thinking about it? I grab my purse and phone when my eyes falls on the Armani coat he was wearing few hours ago. I get off the plane thinking about the blurry moments.

A Mercedes arrives outside the empty area. Boss was talking to someone through his Bluetooth, and when his conversation was over, the man who brought the car hand over the key to him. I intensely stare him. Right now, he's wearing a grey sweater shirt and a pair of blue jeans. When our eyes meet he gesture me to get inside the car.

I look back at the entrance of the plane for a second and can still see the coat he hung on the hanger inside the plan. Realization hit me, and now I understand that I dreamt of him.

I dreamt of him for the first time.

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