Chapter 73

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It was Half past five in the morning when I woke up. Usually, I sleep all night without any interruption but after waking up, I didn't feel like sleeping at all.

I went to the washroom to wash my face. Afterward, I search for water to drink. But there was none as I had forgotten to bring it last night. Neither did I ask anyone to give me. So I walk to the door and open it and felt that it wasn't closed. But I remember keeping it shut. How is that open?

Calculating of any possibility, I go downstairs to the kitchen and pour water for myself when Kay, who was sweeping the floor in the hall, appeared.

"Do you need anything, ma'am?" He politely asks.

"Just water which I'm having right now. If I'll need anything else, I'll inform you."

"Sure, ma'am." And he went away. I drink water from my glass as he walks past the hall and went to a room with a dust feather. He opens the door and enters when my senses are alerted as I see someone through the ajar door. It's him, my gorgeous boss. He is in there and is sleeping on his chair. Kay returned quickly without even doing his cleaning I guess. He quietly closes the door in order to not disturb him and climbs up the stairs. I wait until he was out of sight.

Stepping as quiet as I could, I glance at each side before I dare to reach the doorknob. Gathering tonnes of courage, I go in.

The spectacle of the inside was different and easy to tell that it is a study room. All around, books and files are stacked in the floor to ceiling bookshelves and in the middle of the room, a big study table is placed. In front of it, on the chair, my boss is peacefully sleeping.

I move closer to him, praying in mind he doesn't wake up as I have no excuses to tell if he opens his eyes suddenly and finds me here. When I reach next to him, my heart cries to not get taken away with his cuteness. He's adorable while sleeping.

Finally unable to control, I bring my one hand to his face and slightly touch his face from the back of my hand. Feels amazing.

He moves his face when I jerk my hand away in shock. However, he still sleeps but tilts his face to another side. On the way, few files which were supported on his lap slid down.

Without making any noise, I bend down and pick them up. Confused which one he was reading, I open one of them and put it on the desk in the hope he wouldn't know someone came inside the room and closed the files.

I take one last glance at him and spin back to the door but stopped as something caught my attention from one of the shelves.

There is a file and the name of my NGO is written on its spine. So Edward was right. He has some connections. Making sure that he is still asleep, I carefully pull it out without disturbing the others.

I look at the pages for the information. It has details about the NGO, it's members, turnover, various charity events, and so many things. At the end of every page, his signature is present with the other two people but there was no mention of me.

I look for one more time and find a page name, volunteers. There it is. Among the hundred's name, it took me so much to find my name. But that's it. I make a sad face.

Since it was getting very late, I decided to go to my room before anyone sees me here. Peeking out of the room and confirming Kay is not close enough, I come out and run to my room and safely reach there.

As I shut the door I feel so disappointed. Maybe I should have waited a little longer and searched more. There was a good chance for me to find something and yet I slipped that away.

I lay on my bed, covering my body with a blanket and started to think of any possibility that can help me. I have to find some proof. It's gonna take a lot of time to get the confession out of him and I badly want that. So if not orally, then I'll go for writing. If he knew me before I join his company, then surely he has some details of me. I want to know how much he knows about me and if searching this house is the last thing to do, then I'm up for it.


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