Chapter 20

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The dinner went well but not without my mother asking me about Leila. I had lied that I went to meet her instead of telling the truth. Mom thinks Leila is a good friend of mine other than Selena in high School, but she was nothing more than a raging bitch. Our teacher asked me to tutor her for economics otherwise I never had to suffer her bullying. Whenever I went to her house to tutor her, she would wear fake braces and spectacles to patronize or mock at me.

I shudder and rid my of that ugly past and  came back to my room and the first thing I did was pick my phone. There were two message from two people. Selena and Brian.

Where are you? You Mom called! Are you okay! Do call! - Brian.

Your mom called Carebear! Where the hell are you busting your ass! Answer my voicemail, will you? - Selena.

A small smile appeared on my face because how goddamned my appearance is, I do have good friends I know I can count on.

I'm fine and back home. I texted both of them and switched my screen to my boss number. I sat on my bed and rested my head upon the headboard. I want to call which seems a little hard as if I'm going to call mafia. With my phone still under my palm, I bit my lower lips constantly.

With a sigh, I finally smashed the call button and in the first ring, he picked the call.

I will pick it at the first ring. My boss voice played inside my voice.

"Caroline! Are you okay?" He was the first one to speak.

"Y-yeah!" I stammered through the phone. "I'm okay!"

"Where have you been?" He sounds concerned and perturbed. "Miss Bennett told me that you left the building on time!"

"I did," I admitted. "I just went to see someone." My eyes travelled at the daffodils painting  I and Nana painted together. The yellow color of those pretty daffodils reminded me the pale colour of her tombstone. I got up, and walked to that painting.

"You are a pretty careless, aren't you?" He said through the phone.

"Well, if you haven't laminated my phone, I may say yes" I said in my favour, keeping my voice low and calm. There was nothing to go wolverine or something.

"And I do remember giving you a new iPhone within an hour. What about that? Is it also broken or you don't know how to use an iphone?"

Damn you! Prideful.

"I had to create an I'd first which I did few minutes ago, SIR! My mom wanted me to tell you that I'm fine"

"And you did." There was a silence. "Well then, see you two weeks later!"

"Wait a sec!" I pleaded. "What do you say to them?" I asked him, gathering courage. God knows how he will react.

"What I say to whom?" He questioned me.

"Your grandparents!" I answered immediately.

"How did you even know about them?"

"Nothing's never buried here and words travel fast." I reasoned.

"Why do you wanna know?" He sounded soft and my fingers touched the daffodil painting. A layer of dust came into contact with my fingers.

Following a pause, I said. "Because I happen to know someone I want to talk, but I can't figure what to say."

There was a long silence from the both of the sides. I waited for his answer but all I can hear the tick -tock sound made by the wall clock.

"Well..." He began. "..For starters I ask  them how are they?"

That made me surprise. "But you don't even get any answers back. Then what the point of asking them?"

He chuckled softly. "Getting few words back should never be the answer you must look for. Sometime all that matters is that you ask them." His words made me smile. "Then I discuss my yearly activities or talk about the thousand memories I made with them"

I don't know how he must be feeling right now. Reminiscing memories sometime make you utter happy or miserably sad and alone.  "I think that's enough for now. Thank you very much." I said and there was no reply from the other side. The line went dead. I stare at the black screen of my phone and then back at the painting. I too, chuckle remembering how I went at Nana's in summer. There she used to tell me her cooking secrets, and then we together cooked food for Grandpa. It was a lot of fun when he used to rate them between 1 to 10.

My phone rang, catching me off guard for a moment. It was Selena. I picked it up in the second ring.

"Where the hell were you?" She shouted with reasonable amount of concern. "You're phone was switched off, voicemails full and when you're finally available to call, your phone's busy"

"Give it a pause, will you?" I tell her while I sat by the window.

"No! You scare the crap out of me!  Now tell me who were you talking too? Is someone at your new job or the guy next to your office." Her voice  turned into mischievous one. She pouted.

I blew out the warm air. "The guy next door at my office is my boss and I—"

"Wait..wait..wait! So you were talking to him. God! You're pretty fast Carebear."

"Hold your horses. I was talking to Brian!" I lied, again. What the heck, Caroline. I should have picked another name. Bonnie would be better but it's too late for now.

"Brian, you mean my Brian!"

"Yes, your Brian Wesley. My mother freaked him too. So I called him after texting you!"

"Oh!" She sigh. "So what else did you talk about?" She asked and I know what exactly she what to hear.

"Mmm... little bit of me and loads of you!" I smrinked mischievously at my lying.

"Me? Why? Because I told you not to!"  She angrily said to me.

"Oh shut up and stop your so called anger act because you suck at it. I know butterflies have already started dancing inside your tummy!" I rolled my eyes.

"Oops! You caught me," I feel her biting her lower lips which she does out of habit in situation like this. "So now spill or I have to write down in a card for you."

Now it was my turn to bite my lips. I ran my fingers into my messy hair. How many lies I have to tell. I should have simply told her that I was talking to my boss but that was out of options. Selena won't stop babbling stupid things about it.

"I just asked about giving you one final chance to you!" I came up with another lie. Now I definitely have to talk to Brian about it.

"You really asked that!" She exclaimed in full surprise.

"Yeah, and he told me to give it a thought."

"Well that's a positive response!" She said.

"Absolutely and if you don't mind I would like to get some sleep." I was really yawing and felt completely exhausted.

"Yeah sure Miss PR!" She said and I wonder what Selena will say when she finds out what it really means. Personal relation manager! "And I love you for talking to Brian. Good night Carebear!"

"Nights!" I hanged up and instantly messaged Brian. Any plans for labor's day weekend!

There wasn't any response so I crawl back to my bed. End of the August month brings a trails of parties and I'm sure after I messaged him that I've reached home, he must be busy for planning a grand party with his other males friend. College parties are always hectic which I always ignore. They are nothing for more than booze and boobs.

With another yawn, I shut my eyes and falls into sleep.



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