Chapter 11

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My boss! heck??? My hands which held the collar of my top now stays firm and tight under my grip. The good thing was I saw him and stop myself from getting half-naked in front of my boss.

"Why didn't you tell me it was you, not my mom?" I ask. What the hell he think of himself? And I'm also stupid— See before you act, duh? I mentally groan to myself.

"You wanted help, I helped, either me or your mom! Does it matter, anyway?" He replies, acting cool as a cucumber as if nothing happened. What if I have pulled my dress down. It would be shameful! I couldn't even match my eyes with him. I flipped my hair back and cover my bare skin.

"Sir? What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice breaking in annoyance. How did he even know I live here?

"Where's your phone, first? I called ten times! You know I never call my parents the second time but I had to stalk you from office to here!" He complains and enquires, his voice reflecting authority and frustration. I know he's telling the truth. He's the one after whom people run, not me.

"My phone's on silent mode!" I defend myself. From not letting myself to bother by an unknown woman, I kept my phone on silent mode. This was the best way to avoid her existence.

"Silent mode! I see!" He gloats, then chuckles. "What if your father was dying at the hospital and your mother was trying to reach you but she can't because their clever daughter keeps her phone on silent mode!"

I look at him, totally awestruck. How could he say that? No one gave him the right to speak like that about my parents. Boss or not!

"That has nothing to do with you!" I glare him and he stares me in bewilderment. Yeah! You heard it right. It has nothing to do with you. My deadly eyes indicate him to never ill- speak of my parents, again but I guess my warning has no effect on him. "Why did you came here?"

He looks away for a second and finally answers. "Get dressed! We're going to a meeting!" He orders.


"Sorry?????" I bemused. "Meeting? What meeting?" I ask.

"Meeting with Mr. Castor!" He replied and walk past me. I immediately spun around to hide my bareback. His arms are crossed at his back while he scans the whole room, actually the bookshop.

"But it's too late for the meeting! Moreover, my working time is over!" I tell him. It's really late and why should I work when the day has ended. He could have fixed the meeting at my working time.

He spun and walks toward me. "Did you really read the terms and conditions before signing up for the job!?"

I look away and swoop into flashbacks. I did read the letter and a full-page at it's back, which was scribbled with tiny fonts. Terms and conditions were written there. Apart from basic rules which every single company demand, I don't really remember the other half of the stuff.

"The summary of the page was, 'obey your boss!'" He scowled and I stare. I'm really working hard to make everything right but his behavior is really not helping. With the tone and authorization in his voice, I find so hard to work with him. I wish I can slam my resignation on his face but then what? I'll get a new job elsewhere where I had to face another boss, again. Who knows how he/she will be? Bad or worse,? It's the story of every other boss. A boss does what the boss wants. Everyone has to bear it.

"Fine!" I gave in. "But if you knew we were going to go out, then why you unzipped my dress?"

"I want you to wear something nice!" His words make me gasp in shock.

"Excuse me?" I objected. What does he mean? I don't dress nicely? What else it would take to dress me nicely? And what exactly nice meant according to his dictionary.

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