Chapter 85

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Wait.. what??

Those three words coming out of Klaus Mikealson's mouth made me think of every moment since the day I met. There was not a single moment where I can tell if he was just genuinely concerned and cared or he was really in love with me the whole time.

He is an expert in masking what's underneath him. But all this confession, to what end?

"You heard me." He snaps me out of reverie. I didn't realize my mouth was hanging open.

"And why do I believe you?" It was fazing me.

"You know this for a long time." He clarifies. "I could see the difference in your behavior."

"And yet you rejected me." I scowl. "I opened my heart out, you broke it. There is no way I feel the same as I did before."

"You do!" He argues, feeling confident. I swallow. "You still do. I can tell."

"You can tell nothing!" I withdraw my eyes off him.

"You are acting childish."

"And you are acting way out of legal boundaries. The day I'm getting out of here, forget Edward, I'll sue you."

"I can assure you won't do it." He says. I wish I could wipe the smug look off his face. "And I have don't have to make any effort. You'll do it on your own."

"You wish!" I challenge him.

"Why are you doing this? I'm trying to help you. What is it that is making you hate me?" He sounds insecure.

"There is a list that has no ending," I tell him, moving away from him. The window is left open, and cold air is making the room chilly. Snow is falling and no matter how beautiful it looks, I can't take my attention off him. His confession is growing on me. I feel like abandoning everything and live for the moment that I've waited since I was told.

"Is this about Thea?" He queries, taking me sightly stunned. Last time I told him, he hesitated and I could feel he was trying to shut down the topic.

"It is more than Thea. It is about me."

"You are comparing yourself with her, aren't you?"

"And why shouldn't I?" I speak honestly. "What you are doing right now proves that my fate is just like her."

"You know nothing about her!"

"I do."

"You trust Roseline over me." He squeals. "A girl who works for my half brother."

"Yes. I have every reason to believe her."

"She is convincing I see."

"You should see where you fail, Klaus." I sigh, stepping closer to him. "Look there is still time. Things can go back to the way they were. Let this go. Now you know what Edward wants. You can end this without messing things more up."

"I don't know what Edward is planning. I just have a guess. He wants Rose to be part of my life and company together to do something very drastic. Unfortunately, I won't let either of them. After marriage, she would be bound to me and I'm gonna make her tell him exactly what I want him to know."

"You want to use her, just like Edward." I could feel the disgust searing in my voice. "How sick can you both get?"

"This is about not me or him, this is about the people I love. Kol, Rebekah, my selfish parents, and now you." He tries to reasons with me but he sounds diabolical and absurd.

"It's not just about us and your family. Someone else's life is at stake too."

"Why everything circle backs to Rose?" He saunters back, running his hand into his hair. "Why are you protecting her? What she could possibly tell you to turn you against me?"

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