You Already Have A Child

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Summary: They fall for the reader, who already has a child (about Jack's age).


Arthur knew that he had messed up being a father in the past but he wouldn't be against giving it another shot, he wouldn't mess it up again if he got another chance. Arthur didn't know if he was particularly good with children or not but Jack seemed to like him enough and so did your child, luckily for him. He hadn't even tried to get your child to like him, he knew that it had to be natural, but your child took a liking to him anyway. You absolutely loved that your child got on so well with Arthur and your heart melted every time you saw them together. Arthur wasn't good at telling you how he felt but your child seemed to fix that for you. Your child dragged Arthur over to you and told you that he wanted to ask you something. Arthur awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as your child prodded him, and that's the story of how Arthur asked you out on your first date.


Dutch had never had a problem with taking children under his wing when they needed his help, but he knew that dating you would give him a more fatherly role than he had previously taken on. Dating you would mean that your child would need to like him, he understood that it would be a deal breaker for you. Thankfully Dutch knew how to get people to like him, he was certain that he had won you over and now he just had to get your child to put in a good word for him. You were confused at first when your child starting coming to you with stories about how great Dutch is and how you should all spend more time together, but then you realised that they were just repeating things that Dutch had told them to tell you. Dutch would wander over to you with a smirk, him and your child playing along to make him sound like a God among men. He was lucky that you found it somewhat charming. It turned out that your child actually did like Dutch though so you would consider spending more time with Dutch in a more romantic sense.


Micah never liked children but he knew that if he wanted to get on your good side he would need to get the child to like him. He hadn't planned on having children but he was thinking that you were worth it. So he was a little nicer to them, that mostly meant saying hello when he saw him, but that was nicer than the way he treated most people in the camp. You nearly punched him when he let your child play with his gun, but at least he got your attention. (Don't worry, it wasn't loaded). He would basically bribe your child to tell you good things about him. You knew that Micah was bribing them to say that stuff to you but you had noticed that they had been spending a lot of time with Micah recently, you thought it was sweet that Micah was actually trying to get you and your child to like him. It was definitely beginning to change your opinion on him.


You were a parent, Charles understood that and he also understood that your child was your number one priority. He definitely respected you for that. He didn't care that you had a child, he had fallen for you and he liked your child, plus he always wanted a family so he was perfectly fine with it, it didn't bother him at all. You and Charles had been spending a lot of time together and you were pleasantly surprised when he suggest that you both went out together with your child. Soon the three of you were spending more and more time together. You had told Charles that it wasn't necessary for him to put so much effort into caring for your child when you realised that he was taking on a 'fatherly' role, but he assured you that he was happy to do so. The three of you were practically a family before Charles even asked you out on your first date.


Javier knew that he was great with women and he had a feeling that you liked him as much as he liked you. He wasn't bad with children, he got on with Jack and your child just fine. But starting a relationship with you would mean Javier being a father figure to your child. He didn't think that he would exactly be an awful father figure, he would be better than some of the men in the camp. Plus, he would definitely like a child of his own at some point and he would like a family with you more than anyone else. So it couldn't be that difficult. Thankfully, your child liked Javier. They loved to listen to him playing music and Javier had even given them a few guitar lessons. Watching Javier teach your child to play the guitar that was too big for them made your heart melt. As you were watching them, Javier looked up and sent you a smile. You and Javier could definitely see this becoming a more permanent thing.

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