Chapter 51

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January 1977

Lee was on a cab on her way to the airport and about to start 6 months of travelling.

She got there and went to buy some gum for the flight and one thing caught her eye in the magazine stand. She grabbed one, paid for it and left.

On the plane, she opened the magazine and faced multiple photos of Queen. She smiled.

The boys were doing really good.

The last album, A Day at The Races, had just dropped in December the past year and was a huge hit. Lee had the privilege of hearing it before everyone else and witness some of the recordings. Obviously, before she and Roger broke up.

After those pages of the critics of the album, the gossip column followed. Lee tried not to read it, but a photo of Roger and Dominique caught her eye. It was that photo that made her buy the magazine in the first place.

The section talked about how Roger had a new girlfriend and that they met at the Hyde Park concert while he was still dating Lee. The writer wrote that he thought that maybe Roger cheated on Lee and that's why they broke up and he immediately started dating Dominique.

He got that right...

Lee closed the magazine and slept the remaining time of the flight.

She woke up with a flight attendant trying to wake her up.

Miss!? We have arrived!

Oh, thank you! I'm so sorry!

The flight attendant smiled and guided her to the door.

Lee was in Berlin, Germany.

She went straight to the hotel room and stayed there the rest of the night.

The next day, Lee did some photoshoots for Yves Saint Laurent and other brands.

After a couple of days in Berlin, she decided to go see how the pubs were like, with the authorisation from Catherine obviously. Lee tried to convince her on going with her, but Miss Catherine preferred to stay at the hotel.

Lee got out of the hotel and walked towards the city centre that wasn't far away. In a matter of minutes, she found a little bar that appealed to her.

She went inside and electronic music was blasting through the amplifiers. The air was humid from all the sweat from the people dancing. She walked to the bar and tried to order a beer.

A beer! Lee tried to explain herself. No! A beer! B-e-e-r...

Sie bestellt ein Bier! A male voice said behind her. It's all about the accent!

The bartender brought the beer and the blonde tall guy anticipates himself and payed for her drink.

Well thank you! She cheered.

You're welcome! So... You're English?

Indeed! Thank you for the help! I don't speak German...

No problem! Most of the people here knows how to speak English but they are just being assholes and pretending they don't understand...

I totally get it! I'm in your country... I'm supposed to speak your language! But you speak really well the language of Her Majesty!

Oh, thank you! I need to! I travel a lot!

Wow that's amazing! Lee stopped. I'm sorry, I haven't asked you your name!

It's Dyrk! He laughed. I'm not going to tell you my last name because it's really difficult!

Well, I'm Leslie and I'm willing to try to pronounce it!

Okay... Baumgärtner!

Jeez, you're right! I'm not even going to try to pronounce it, so I don't disrespect you!

Dyrk laughed.

They spent the rest of the night talking about Germany and England.

At 3am, Dyrk insisted in walking Lee to the hotel.

You haven't told me what you're doing in Germany! Dyrk asked.

Oh, yeah! I'm a model... So, I'm making a tour, kinda, to do photoshoots for various brands!

He nodded.

Aren't you gonna say anything?

Why? Should I?

Hmmm... Lee was shocked. When she met people and they found what is her job, they usually have a lot of questions. "How do you pay your rent?", "What does your boyfriend/dad thinks about it?". No, I'm used to people making me a thousand questions about modelling...

Well, I think it's a profession like any other!

Wow... Lee smiled.


You really are charming!


another blonde on the mix

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