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Amata's pov:

I really don't like this forest, it is just eerie and sinister, cold. 

As I said before the trees were dead, bark ashy and old but not rotting with shadows of foliage dancing across the ground despite no leaves being up on any branches.

"There is a myth about this forest, like elves say the trees have souls, in one deadly battle spells were unleashed, sucking the life out of this once said to be one beautiful place, first the animals then the plant life followed. Magic soaked the air and ground keeping the lingering ghosts of the wild trapped in this place."

"So alive but dead, stuck like this forever." I said sadly, looking up at the small white smoke racing through the branches and wondering what little birds soul it was, I wish I could save everyone.

'But you can't.'

'That's what hurts the most, even after I bring peace to most so many would have suffered. I freed the nameless clan but this forest and it's animals whom didn't want part in this suffered a similar fate and yet can't be saved.'

"Is there a way to help out? They don't deserve such a fate."

"Unfortunately unless something can absorb and contain all the magic spilled without failing to do so it is impossible."

"I guess after this war is done I will still have some work left to redeem all the pain we've caused to our world, if anyone I should be able to figure out how to help."

"Your heart is good, be careful don't wear it on your sleeve."

I dragged my hand over the bark of a tree, the ash and cindering bark falling away under my gloved fingers.

So many suffered... So many will... Don't worry I'll do what I can to save all...


The trees reached higher and higher, branches twisting together, the ghostly life more and more looking like a tumor the deeper we entered, trees twisting in odd shapes with the bark bulging out into spheres.

"I guess the angels use these woods as a sort of gate?" I said.

"Possible because look." Custos pointed up. "We can can see the sky but down around us it is darker and more complicated to move around while they can fly."

"Is this why the people of the village feared this forest? Because of it being used as traps?" Fortis said and I didn't like the sound of it.

"And we willingly entered it so we must be careful." Dea said, surprisingly serious considering how she normally was.

But nothing happened.

Nothing at all.

Soon the tree started to regain a smaller height, looking much more healthy and not long from then small leaves were seen of the highest branches and the ghost forest soon became a lively sound filled green forest filled with life that stretched further than we could see.

I turned back to the ghostly forest.

"I'll help you." I whispered to it before facing the green again.


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