Typical teenager

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Raelynn's POV

In my past 16 years of life nothing extremely exciting has happened. I mean other than me being a flower girl at my parents wedding when I was 2, but I hardly remember that.

We stayed in the house that I grew up in for a while, that was until everyone started to really outgrow it. So my parents decided to move us all into a beautiful 2 story.. I wouldn't say mansion but a big house.

It was really fitting for everyone, and the amount of space we each needed. Well that was until my siblings left for college, leaving us with extra space.

For most of my childhood I was usually with my aunt Paris, and Uncle Easton. We were always having family get together, and just having fun together. Which caused me to have the greatest friendship with the twins, Heaven and Evan.

We did everything together, we were stuck at the hip. But they left for a year to be in Europe, and I changed. We all changed. So going into our 8th grade year we never spoke again, beside the casual get togethers.

I have a new friend group now though.

My friend group consist of McKenzie my main bitch. She's my ride or die, the person I connect with the most. If we are at a party her and I are the one's that are always dancing on each other. And at cheer competitions she's the one that always hype's me up the most.

Then there's Jordon. Who happens to be my boyfriend. Unlike the rest of my friend group Jordon didn't come in my life until 10th grade. And we instantly clicked. We started dating 2 months after he came, and have been together ever since. The only thing I think he loves more than me is of course football.

Next there's Asher. Jordon's bestfriend, and McKenzie's twin. Him and I used to have a little thing in 9th grade, but that was in the past. Now him and I are best friends like the rest of our group.

Lastly there's Charlotte, she's the super shy one who doesn't really like to do much. But she's still my best friend.

But that's my friend group, and this is my life.


I slammed my hand on the top of my alarm clock as it's annoying sound rang in my ear. I rubbed the palms of my eye against my eyes, as I opened my mouth wide with a yawn.

God I hated getting up early. What's the point. I learn better in the afternoon anyway. But thank god for cheer. If I didn't have it I wouldn't be at school.

I threw my covers off of me and walked my way slowly into the bathroom. Turning on the light I let out a little shriek as I looked at the messy of hair that sat in a bun.

I pulled the hair pony out, grabbing my brush and brushing throw all the treacherous tangles. Once I got all the tangles out I sectioned my hair down the middle, and braided both sides in to Dutch braids.

Once I was finished with my hair, I grabbed my tooth brush getting rid of the morning breath that over took my mouth.

Today I decided to go with a no makeup look considering I was jus going to sweat it off after school at practice anyway.

I turned off the light in my bathroom, and walked over to my closet picking out an outfit. I decided to go with a pair of black ripped jeans and a white off the shoulder crop top to go with it.

After I was dressed I picked up the clothes that laid in my floor, and threw them in my hamper. I made sure I had my phone, and cheer bag before making my way downstairs.

As soon as I hit the main floor I walked through the hall into the kitchen. I was surprised to see my dad sitting at the island sipping his coffee. He's normal gone by now, both him and my mom, when she's not out of town.

" Hey dad." I said, planting a quick kiss on the check.

" Hey princess. Did you sleep good?" He questioned.

" As good as I could." I answered.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed and water, before walking over to my cabinets searching for my breakfast.

" You want me to make you breakfast?" He asked, standing up from his stool.

" Nah I'll be good. I got this." I told him holding up my protein bar.

" Alright kiddo. You have a good day at school." He smiled.

I walked over to him planting once last kiss on the cheek.

" Oh and before I forget. No plans for tonight or tomorrow night please. You mother is coming in, and your Aunt Paris and Cousin Aspyn are coming back so we will be having dinner with them." My dad slightly shouted, sipping his coffee.

Sometimes I swear he's deaf.

" Okay so Ill be here tonight and skip tomorrow." I smiled, causing him to turn and glare at me.

" Raelynn." My dad warned.

" What? Can't you just go without me?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

" Your part of this family, right."

I shook my head trying to prevent my eyes from rolling back.

" Okay then you'll be there. Plus I don't know why you don't like the twins so much. You guy's used to be best friends."

" Yeah there's the hint, used to. But I don't hate them it's just awkward."

I stomped off down the hall towards the front door grabbing my keys.

I shook my head as I heard the sound of my father's chuckles through the house.

Welcome to my life.


XOXO ParisBesties

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