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Raelynn's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed with tears streaming down my face as my hands clenched the blankets in my palm.

He cheated, he really cheated on me.

The worst part was is I called it all along, but it still hurt so fucking bad.

I picked up my phone from the side of me and opened the messages between Jordon and I.

Me: I need to talk to you.

I wasn't expecting a reply that quickly, but within seconds of me pressing send his messages popped up.

Jordon: Okay. Where do you want to meet?

Me: School parking lot.

I set down my phone and walked into my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.

Tears continued to roll down my face, as they made my eyes puffy and red.

I harshly wiped away the tears and pulled my toothbrush from the holder putting a dap of toothpaste on it and brushing my teeth.

After brushing my teeth I decided I was done. I could do more, and go all out just to so him what he was ' missing', but if we are being honest he wasn't missing much.

Grabbing a hoodie that hung it m closet, I threw it over my head grabbing my phone off the bed and heading downstairs.

I walked out the front door making sure to lock it behind me. I didn't even bother with anything I left out on the kitchen counter.

I jumped in my car and put the keys in the ignition starting my drive to the school parking lot.


Just as I put my car into park, Jordons car came barreling through the schools parking lot, parking in a parking spot not far from mine.

I took a deep breath before slowly stepping out of my car and making my way over to him.

Stopping halfway I watched as Jordon got out of him car and met me halfway standing with his hands in his pocket.

" So what'd you want to talk about?" He asked nervously.

" Why didn't you answer my text?" I questioned folding my arms over myself.

I could distinguish if this move was because of the fact that it was slightly chilly out here or the fact that I was trying to prevent myself from falling apart right here.

" My Phone died. Then when I got home I couldn't find the charger."

This ass couldn't even look me in my eyes. He knew he did something wrong and he wasn't even going to try and fight it.

" So that's all your gonna say?"

" What do you want me to say Rae?" He exclaimed.

" The fucking truth." I shouted.

" Fine you want the truth. I didn't text you back because I was banging some other girl."

I took a deep breath as he said those words. It's like I could feel me breaking from the inside.

" That's it?"

" I don't know what else you want from me Rae. I screwed up I know that. And I am so fucking sorry."

" Sorry is not going to fix the pain I'm feeling right now." I cried.

He looked at the ground trying to act all sad and shit.

" Why'd you do it?"

" I don't know. It was in the moment. I was drunk. You have to believe me. I love you." He pleaded taking a step towards me.

I quickly took a huge step backwards shaking my head.

" No. You don't love me Jordon. You love the idea of me. You love being seen with me but you don't love me. If you did you would've never done this."

Honestly I didn't feel like listening to any of his excuses or his pleading.

I just wanted to get out of here. I felt like I was drowning, except there was no water.

I turned around and rushed back to my car leaving Jordon standing there.

I'm not able to do this. I can't sit here and have a conversation with someone who just ripped my heart out.

As soon as I got into my car I leaned my head against the steering wheel as I broke down.

Full on tears streaming down my face, as I was losing the inability to breath properly.


" Why does it hurt so fucking bad bro?" I whispered into Mack's arms as more tears streamed down my face.

After I had calmed down from my melt down I drove myself to McKenzies house. I couldn't go home, not right now.

And fortunately for me her parents weren't home per usual, and Asher was doing some work at a car shop.

" Oh baby. You were with him for a year. No one expects you not to be hurting." Mack said rubbing circles on my back.

" But I expected it. That the dumb thing. I fucking expected it and I'm still fucking broken." I shouted.

" Rae calm down."

I took a deep breath sinking in her arms more.

" Why was I not good enough?" I asked as sadness laced my voice.

" Raelynn Faith." Charlotte shouted from the end of Mack's bed. " Don't you ever say you aren't good enough. You are more than good enough."

" Yeah. Plus he's the the one that has the issues of he can sit here and cheat on an amazing girl like you." Mack agreed.

I wish I could believe them but all my insecurities started to rush in.

' Am I not skinny enough?'

' Was I not pretty enough?'

' Did I not give him enough attention?'

All these thoughts crowded my head preventing me from thinking straight.

I turned my self on to my other side out of Mack's arms.

I continued to let the tears fall down my face as Mack rubbed soothing circles on my back.

My heart slowly continued to break into small pieces as I remembered all the time him and I had together.

This had to be the second worst heartbreak I've felt.


XOXO ParisBesties

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