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Raelynn's POV


I sat up in the bed that I laid in, looking around the room slightly confused. Finally recognizing the room as being Ky's, I relaxed laying my head against the wall. 

These past two days have been crazy. 

At least I think. I can't really remember them. 

That's the thing I loved the most about being in a relationship with Ky. We were always having fun and partying. 

Well that's why I came back downtown. I knew he would help me forget about what I was going through. 

And that's exactly what he did. We drank and smoked. I felt like the old me for once. The one that didn't have to worry about making others happy. 

I picked up my phone from next to the bed, as turned it on. 

For the past couple of days I haven't had it on at all. Not even once did I care to switch it on. 

As soon as I switched it on messages started to push through, making my phone go off like crazy.

Dad: Raelynn where the hell are you?

Dad: I've tried calling you multiple different times. Pick up your damn phone.

Dad: Raelynn, please just let me know your okay. 

Dad: Raelynn god damnit! Don't start this shit again.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 

Kaliyah: Where the hell are you?

Kaliyah: Raelynn if you don't answer me. 

Kaliyah: So your really going to make me get on a plane to come find your ass? 

Kaliyah: I'm on my way home. You better have a good ass reason. 

My eyes widened at her last text. 

They were really being dramatic. I had only been gone 2 days.

Wait... 2 days?

I looked at the date and time on my phone. 

Holy shit! 

It was already 11:30 on a Monday. 

That means not only did I miss practice, but school too. Coaches were going to have my ass. 

I ran my hand over my face. 

It was too late to go school now. I guess I would just have to wait until tomorrow to get my ass chewed out. 

I scrolled through the rest of the messages on my phone. 

Mack: Rae. Where are you? Your dad called me asking if you were at school.

Mack: Rae. Your really starting to worry me.  

I started to type out a message to her.

Me: I'm fine. Just stayed at a friends for a few. 

Just as I pressed sent the door to the bedroom opened. 

I looked up to see Ky walking through the door with a plate full of pancakes and a glass full of orange juice. 

I smiled wide. 

" My favorite." I exclaimed as he sat it down in front of me. 

" I remember. Your fat ass used to eat them everyday." He laughed. 

I scowled as I chewed the bite in my mouth. 

He laughed harder as he watched me continue to eat. 

" You need to go home Rae." He said softly causing me to look up.

I swallowed the chunk of pancake in my mouth. 

I shook my head. " I know."

" You have a good life. You don't need to through it away, and become some ruthless piece of shit like me." 

" Your not a piece of shit Ky."

" Yeah. Well then explain to me how I lost the only good thing in my life?" He said raising an eyebrow. 

" What do you mean?" 

" Forget it." He shook his head. " You have a dad that loves you even if your mom doesn't. Which would make her a piece of actual shit not to love someone like you. You also have a boyfriend who make you happy, right?"

I shook my head. 

" Okay then. Don't let this one thing break you completely. You understand me?"

" Yeah." 

" Good now finish stuffing your face, and I'll drop you off." He said walking out the room. 

I shook my head laughing. 

God I love him. 

Not like that. 

As a friend. 

I would never do anything that would risk my relationship with Asher. 

He was someone I was completely in love with. Even if we had been dating for a short while. 


I stood nervously at my front door. 

Ky had dropped me off at the park where I had left my car and from there I drove home. 

Sitting in my car for a couple of minuets I thought I had gained the guts, but now standing here I wasn't so sure I was ready to face what was on the other side of the door. 

Taking a deep breath I reached my hand out twisting the door knob and walking in the door. 

As soon as I did I seen both my dad and sister jump off the couch. 

I carefully sat my bag down then fully turned my body towards the living room. 

Both my sister and dad held a relief, but pissed expression on their faces. 

" Where the hell were you?" Kaliyah asked through clenched teeth. 

" Out." I whispered. 

She scoffed. " Out where Rae?" 

" With a friend." 

" So you couldn't text us or call to let us know you were okay. You had us worried sick." She exclaimed. 

I rolled my eyes.

" I'm fine as you can see."

" Are you sure about that? Cause I don't think you are."

I made a dirty face. 

" What the hell are you trying to say?"

" Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you left for two day to do what? Smoke, drink? You obviously have problems if you have to do those things to hide whatever your going through."  She yelled. 

I really couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

She thinks because I do what half of the teenage population does that I have problems. 

But she's honestly right. It's just sad it takes this for everyone to see the pain I'm going through. 

" Fuck you." 

" Raelynn watch your language." My dad ordered. 

" No. It's okay dad. She just can't handle that I'm right. She has issues that she refuses to face. But that's okay. She'll be forced to face them when she goes to therapy."

I widened my eyes. 



XOXO ParisBesties

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