The Video

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Heaven's POV

"Hey!" Jordan yelled at me.

I ran out the room and downstairs into the crowd.

I searched for the girls I found Aspyn and Cherish chilling on the couch talking.

"We need to go now." I say.

"Why?" They asked confused.

"Where's Lucia?" I asked.

They shrug and get up and follow me. We found Lucia grinding on some random guy I grab her.

"We need to go now." I say.

"Hey we were just about to get to the fun part." The guy slurred as he yanked my arm off Lucia.

I pulled my hand back and slapped him.

Only the sober told half sober people noticed, everyone else was buzzed as hell and just continued to stick their tongue down peoples throats and shit.

"What the hell was that for?" Lucia pouted as I dragged her out the house, the others following close behind.

"Heaven you better stop!" Jordan yelled coming out trying to pull his pants up.

"Shit." I yell as I drag Lucia and throw her in the back of the car and I hop in next to her.

Aspyn gets in the passenger seat as Cherish starts up the car.

"Go!" I yell.

She speeds away from the house.

"What is going on?" Aspyn yelled in confusion.

"I caught Jordan cheating on Raelynn." I answered.

"Holy shit! On camera?" Cherish asked.

"Watch out!" Aspyn yelled.

Cherish stepped on the brakes as a deer ran across the street.

We took deep breaths and looked at each other before we started laughing and having mixed emotions since we all had a lot or a little alcohol.

"Okay." Cherish said, calming herself down before taking the wheel again.

She dropped me and Aspyn off at home and we went up to my room and collapsed on my bed.

"Imma just sleep here." She said.

"Fine with me." I said as my eyes begin to droop as the memories of tonight flood back in a blur.


I wake up the next day and look over at Aspyn to see her sleeping next to me.

I get up out of bed and go into my bathroom. I look like a huge mess. I strip and take a quick shower.

I throw on some undergarments, some shorts, and a T-shirt and put on whatever shoes I could find, then I grab my car keys and phone and run outside to me car and get in, speeding to Raelynn's house.

When I get there I stop the car and nervously walk up to the door, phone in hand.

"Should I do this?" I questioned myself.

If I were Raelynn and she was me I would want her to tell me.

I take a deep breath as I knock on the door.

I keep knocking.

The door slowly opened and Raelynn is standing there confused as she looks at me stand in there.

" I need to show to something." I said nervously.

"What exactly sid you come her to show me?" She asked.

I pushed passed her and into the house.

"Its super important and we should go to your room." I say.

"Um, why are you here again?" She asked.

"You better come on before I change my mind and trust me you wanna know this." I say.

She shuts the door and I follow her up to her room, closing the door behind us.

We sit on her bed and I go to my gallery and click the video, handing my phone to her.

I avoid looking at her as I hear the video. I don't want to see her reaction.

I hear he sniffle and I look over at her.

"The worst part about this is I kinda knew something was gonna happen at that party." She said, I actually felt bad for her.

I couldn't imagine what'd it be like to be in this position.

She hands me back my phone.

"I would like to be alone now." She said.

I nod as I get up.

"Heaven." She said.

I turn towards her. "Thanks for showing me." She said.

"Yeah, no problem I guess, and I'm sorry about this, he doesn't deserve you." I say.

She nods and looks away. I sigh as I leave.

I get into my car and look up at her house sadly before heading back home.

I showed Aspyn and Evan the video.

"Should we expose him?" Evan asked.

"I don't know." I say.

"He yeah we should." Aspyn said.

I look at her surprised. Never thought I'd hear that from her.

Evan gives her a high five.

"Can we post this?" He asked me.

"Whatever but my name better not be mentioned when you guys get in trouble." I say as I send the video to them.

I go up to my room and not even a couple minutes later I open my Instagram when I get a notification.

I look at my friend requests to see one from someone named, 'anonymousexposer11'. I shake my head and laugh.

They are so fucking retarded. I accepted the friend request and go the profile to see the video posted.

I feel like this is super wrong but at the same time I don't.

XxxParisBesties 🥰

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