The Unexpected

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Raelynn's POV

" Okay?" She said hesitantly walking over to the bench. 

I waited for her to set all of her things down before I pitched her my idea. 

Once she was done, I sat next to her on the bench. 

" Okay so I seen the video that you posted, and the videos that a lot of people started to post. As I watching a lot of the videos I felt happy and excited that there was a chain of people contributing to the message that I was trying to put out.

But I was also kinda sad, because I started to realize that this wasn't going to last forever. That by next week this was going to be old news, then what? People would start to lose faith, and hope again and I don't want that to happen. 

So I was thinking. What if I made some sort of social media platform that when people were down and needed some uplifting they could turn to it." 

She looked at me with a expression that told me she was in the process of thinking. 

" Okay? What would you put on the page?" She asked. 

" Not just me, but you too. I know we are just starting to work on the stuff between us, but you were the one that inspired me to make the video, and to talk about what I was going through. So I was hoping that you would want to help run the page with me. And for the content, not only could you and I continue uploading videos of inspiration, but maybe we could possibly get all of our friends and family to make videos of their own to put on the page. Just to be able to show the different of variety of things people have gone through." 

She looked at me with an interested look. 

" Honestly I really like that. I'm happy that I inspired you to use your emotions for good instead of bad." She smiled. 

I started to get really excited. 

" So are you saying yes?"

She shook her head. " Yeah. I'll do it."

I started to jump and down clapping causing her to laugh. 

" Calm down. I'll talk to everyone to see if they will do the video's, but I have one other suggestion for content."

" Shoot." I said instantly, still very hyped. 

" What if some of the video's that were posted after ours, we took the people in the videos and we sat them down and did like a serious of question to show people the difference of ways they coped or the ways that some continued to have faith." She said. 

I took in her idea, and instantly liked it. 

" Yeah that's sounds really good." I nodded in a agreement. 

She nodded too, with a satisfied smile. 

I had more question, and I didn't know exactly how to ask it. 

" One more thing." I said softly. 

She raised an eyebrow. 

" If you can get your mom to do a video, do you think you could ask her if she minded telling me the full story before just giving out there for the entire world to see?" I asked.

Her smile slowly dropped. 

" You still don't know?" She asked. 

" No. I haven't been able to get a hold of my mom, and my dad claims he doesn't know the full details. And she never told Kaliyah or Sam. So I'm kind of screwed." I shrugged. 

At first I was kind of scared that she might've exploded but I relaxed as she put an understanding smile on her face. 

" I can talk to her, yeah."

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