One Step at a Time

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Raelynn's POV

* 2months later*

" RAELYNN! If you do not wake you ass up, I'm done having to come up here." My sister yelled storming into my room. 

I jumped up from the loudness of her voice. 

" Damn bitch. I'm up. Now shut the fuck up." I said groggily. 

She gave me a pissed look. 

" Watch it. I'll beat your ass." She warned, pointing a finger at me. 

I smiled. 

" Love you sis." 

She rolled her eyes walking out of my room. 

" Please get up and get dressed. You have therapy, and Dr. Chase is not gonna be happy if your late again." She said before closing my door. 

I huffed falling back on to my bed. 

You may be a little lost so let me catch you up. 

It's been 2 months since Linda killed herself.

2 months of continuous nightmares from the video replaying in my head continually. 

I hope that one day it will get better, but until then all I can do is keep my head up and keeping looking forward. 

After Linda killed herself we had a full 2 weeks off of school for everyone to heal, and recover from what they had witnessed.

Over the 2 weeks off there had been a memorial that was held for Linda, and a funeral. 

Most of the school showed up to both, even the Freshman.

Once we went back to school things weren't how they used to be and I'm pretty sure they never will be. 

We have an entire school assembly once a week. 

Once a month every student is required to talk to the counselor and tell them how there lives were going. 

Which didn't really help me any considering that I already had a therapist, but if it made the school feel better then so be it. 

But these past 2 months have not been filled with completely bad things. 

Heaven and I have gotten much closer which was nice because I've missed how close we used to be. 

Not only have we gotten closer, but really both of our groups. 

At lunch we all sit in close vicinities to each other, and every weekend we all try to get together and hang, rather it was at one of our houses or somewhere different.

Not only had we all gotten close but we gained a new friendship, and that was Chloe believe it or not. 

Ever since what has happened, Chloe's changed. 

She's been a nicer more caring version of herself. 

She doesn't dress like a plastic Barbie anymore. 

Oh, also her and Char are dating. 

Which if I was being honest I was kind of jealous at how much cuter their relationship was than mine, but I'm still really supportive. 

Chloe and I are on okay terms I would say. 

She's not fully trusting of me yet, but we are working on it.

I was really happy when she accepted my apology. Even though I felt like I didn't deserve it. 

Rolling myself out of bed, I let out a big puff of air as my body hit the floor. 

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