Your are not alone

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Raelynn's POV

As soon as I got home after practice I rushed straight into my house leaving everything in my car. When I slammed the door open I ran through the house looking for my dad.

Once I found him I ran straight into his arms giving him no explanation. 

When my body impacted him he stood with his hands held in the air, hesitantly wrapping them around me.

He started to pat my back as I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. 

" Uhh honey. Mind telling me what's going on?" He asked. 

I pulled away and turned my body so it was facing both him and my sister. 

After the conversation I had with Heaven I realized how I was so focused on my emotions, and what I was feeling with this whole situation I never dared to check on my family that was closes to me. 

Which in the end made me a person I never wanted to be. It made me selfish. 

" Kaliyah, Dad, I'm so sorry for everything that I've put you through. I've been so selfish the past couple of days. I was so caught up in how I was feeling and what my emotions were that I never thought to ask you guys if you were okay, and I feel horrible about it. " I apologized looking between the both of them. 

They still both looked confused. 

" Honey, it's fine." My dad said trying to assure me. 

I shook my head violently. 

" No it's not. I'm supposed to be the 'Ray' of sunshine in the world. I'm supposed to help bring light to others. But lately I haven't been bringing light. I've been bringing storms. And that's not okay. That's not who I was raised to be. I was raised to be selfless, and always put other's before myself even if I was going through shit. " Tears started to spring towards my eyes. 

They both looked at me, then at each other. 

The next move they both made was towards me, them both wrapping me into a group hug. 

We stood there for a few minutes. 

" I'm assuming you remembered The lamb and butterfly?" My sister asked chuckling. 

I shook my head wiping away the tears. 

" Heaven actually talked to me, and reminded me of it. She reminded me of a lot of things. I expected that you guys had to be strong, because of me. That if you guys weren't strong then you wouldn't be setting a good example for me. But then I realized that you guys don't have to be strong for me. I have to be strong for you. We all go through things that sometimes we don't know how to explain, but we shouldn't let our emotions take over. If we let our emotions take over then what are we proving to ourselves. Nothing. We are just proving that we have no control over our own minds and that's not how this should be." 

They both looked at me slightly in shock at the words that just came out of my mouth. 

But they were true. 

Heaven was right. We all were allowed to go through tough times, but what we shouldn't allow ourselves to to fall off the band wagon and push everyone that is trying to help us away. 

" So starting now I'm not going to be so focused on my emotions to the point where I burst. Instead I'm going to use those emotions to help others, and give other faith that there is light at the end of the tunnel." I said. 

My dad looked at me giving me a big smile. 

" Honey, I love you so much. There is never a day that I'm not proud of you or your brother and sister."

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