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Heaven's POV

*2 months later*

Its been pretty chaotic ever since Linda committed suicide.

I've been going to a therapist and we talked everyday for about a month until I finally got my prescriptions.

Their called Prazosin. Basically they stop my nightmares, I have to take one every night.

I haven't had a nightmare about the incident in almost a month now.

After Linda killed herself we had a full 2 weeks off of school for everyone to heal, and recover from what they had witnessed.

Over the 2 weeks off there had been a memorial that was held for Linda, and a funeral.

Most of the school showed up to both, even the Freshman.

Once we went back to school things weren't how they used to be and I'm pretty sure they never will be.

We have an entire school assembly once a week.

Once a month every student is required to talk to the counselor and tell them how there lives were going.

We also never had the Halloween party, we canceled it because it was only about a week away after the incident.

For thanksgiving we didn't really do much.

Kio and his parents came over and my siblings came over.

Lucia's family had officially disowned her and she wasn't upset when she found out she said, 'fuck them, I don't need em. I have you guys and that's all I need, they better not expect to ever see my baby because its not related to them and neither am I.'

Another good things that happened was Chloe started to come to school dressed like a tomboy. After she let her secret out she changed and became a better person.

Me, her, and Amara got closer and I sometimes have sleepovers and hangouts with just them two because I want them to know I'm here for them.

But Chloe also started dating Charlotte, Raelynn's friend.

Volleyball season had ended, so did cheer, football, basketball and soccer.

Now its swim season, dance, bowling, and a couple other sports and after school activities.

Me, Amara, Chloe, Aspyn, and Cherish thought it would be a good idea to join dance to take our mind off things and have fun so we did and we made the team last week at tryouts.

Our first dance competition is after Christmas break, speaking of Christmas break it starts next week and during that time we'll be at the ski trip, the entire break.

And by we I mean me, mom, dad, Evan, Aspyn, Lucia, Cherish, Kio, Raelynn, Kyle, Kaliyah, and London if she decided to show which she probably won't and I hope she doesn't.

No one has heard from her and my mom said she's tired of her shit so the London and Paris friendship is no more and Carol, Julie and Ilani said, "Finally, damn!" Which made us all laugh.

Dad didn't like her, none of us liked her, none of moms other friends liked her, basically the only person who still put up with her until a little while ago was mom but that shots done.

Anyways I woke up about 10 minutes ago and I already ate breakfast and I was currently getting ready for school:

Anyways I woke up about 10 minutes ago and I already ate breakfast and I was currently getting ready for school:

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