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Raelynn's POV

After Heaven refused to tell me what I wanted to know, I rushed home leaving all my friends with questions of their own. 

They wanted answers, but I didn't even know what answers to give them because I still don't have any. 

Pulling into my driveway I got out of my car and slammed the door shut. 

I jogged up to my front door, slamming it open and close within minutes. 

I looked around to see my dad giving me a frightened look as he was turned around on the couch. 

" Hey.." 

I cut him off by jogging over to the stairs, and up to my room. 

" Or not." He said as I started to jog up the stairs. 

As soon as I hit my room I slammed the door, and pulled out my phone. 

Looking through all my contacts I found my mom's and pressed call. 

No answer 

I pressed call again, bringing the phone up to my ear. 

No answer

God damnit!

I pressed call again holding it up to my ear. 

" Answer"

" Answer" 

" Answer" 

I pleaded. 

No answer

" God damnit!" I screamed throwing my phone onto the bed. 

As I ran my hands through hair an idea popped up in my head. 

I rushed over to my dresser and rummaged through the top drawer until I found a folded up piece of paper. 

Unfolding the paper I picked up the paper and dialed the number. 

" Hello?" The other line picked up.

" Hi is this Mrs. Shaw?" 

" This is she? May I ask who's calling?"

" Um my names Raelynn. My mother is London." 

" Oh.. uh yes. How may I help you dear?" The fragile voice questioned. 

" I was just wondering if I was able to talk to my mom. I think somethings wrong with her phone."

" Darling I wish I could help you but your mom's not here." 

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. 

" She's not?" 

" No. She came down here for the week while she got her divorce finalized then she left." 


Wait. No. That can't be. 

" Oh..uhhh." I stuttered. " Right. I totally forgot. Thanks."

I quickly hung up, then dropped my phone out of my hand. 

Tears started to spring to my eyes.

I turned around as I heard my bedroom door open.

" Hey honey everything.." He stopped short. " Wow, what's going on?" 

He rushed in my room and over to me. 

He placed a hand on my shoulder, but I backed away causing it to fall. 

He gave me a confused look. 

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