Surprise Visitor

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Raelynn's POV

" Raelynn!" Dr. Chase exclaimed.

I snapped my head back to him.

He removed his glasses off of his face, then placed a hand at his temple.

" Kid, you have to stop zoning out."

" Sorry." I apologized.

Therapy in the morning, especially when you barely get any sleep doesn't exactly go that well.

These past 2 Friday's Dr. Chase has insisted on me coming in before school, which meant that I had to get up extra early. Lucky for me Dr. Chase write's me a note, since I'm always a little late.

" It's fine. But the point of these sessions are for you to talk to me, so tell me. How have the nightmares been?" He asked, moving his glasses back onto his face.

" They've been..." I paused. " Okay."

" Raelynn." He warned.

" Okay okay. They've been the same. No matter what I do before bed they still show up when I'm in the deepest of sleep."

" Have you talked to anyone else besides me about it?" He questioned.

" I'm mean not really that's what I kinda have you for."

" It wouldn't hurt though."

I shrugged. " Yeah, but I'd rather talk to you, then put all my problems out on all my friends."

He shook his, writing something down in his notepad.

" You know I know you don't want to hear about the medicine that's out there for this. But I think they could really help."

I shook my head in disagreement.

" I don't want to risk anything. My mother was on pills for depression and got addicted"

" I respect that. But on that note have you talked to your mom?"

" No. Last I heard she was off working in New York with her new boyfriend." I said, becoming slightly saddened.

" How does that make you feel?" He asked.

" How it would make any teenager feel. Mad, sad, but I've accepted it, ya know. She's going to live her life whether I like it or not. Nothing I can really do." I shrugged.

I watched as his pen moved quickly against the paper.

God I really hated that notepad.

All it did was hold everything I've told him, and also my evaluations that I go through every month.

" Have you ever thought to try and call her to just see?"

I gave him a blank face.

" Obviously I've tried." I said slightly annoyed.

" Okay tiger, deep breath."

I took a deep breath as he sat down the notepad.

" Sessions over. I'll see you next Friday. And remember, you ever need anything do not hesitate to call." He smiled.

I shook my head.

He held out his hand for me to give him a fist bump, before I walked out.

An 1.5 hours therapy session feels like an eternity.


Had being at school for a couple of hours it was finally lunch time. Which I was grateful for. I was absolutely starving considering I hadn't had breakfast.

" Hey sexy." I felt someone whisper in my ear as I was walking to my table with my food.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Asher.

" Do I know you?"

He removed his arm from over my shoulder, holding a hand over his heart as we continued to walk.

" That hurts. It really does." He said.

" Oh my bad. I didn't recognize you with that ugly haircut of yours."

He instantly shot his hand up to his head with a pouting face.

As we reached our table everyone was looking at Asher as he huffed down in his seat.

" What's his problem?" Chloe questioned with her legs hanging over Char's lap.

" He's mad I called his hair ugly." I said bluntly.

I grabbed my fork and began to eat my salad.

" She ain't wrong. It's a little too short." Mackenzie said agreeing me with.

I looked over to Heavens to table to see them all laughing and having fun. I then see Evans arm wrapped around Lucia.

They were so fucking cute together.

I absolutely adored their relationship.

Looking over to Asher I smiled.

He rolled his eyes.

" Whatever. Don't think I haven't notice the little weight you've put on.. babe." He smirked with a mischievous smile.

There was an array of oo's and dang's from around the table.

I gave him a wide eye expression.

" Oh really? Well tell me Mr. Bigshot, where has that 6 pack of your gone lately? Because it sure as hell hasn't been showing in bed." I shot back.

He looked at me with flabbergasted look as everyone around us busted out laughing.

Asher turned away from me looking straight in front of him.

" Yeah. That's what I thought." I said, shoving another fork full of salad in my mouth.

He should've thought twice before coming at me like that.

But it's okay.

I still love him.


School had ended and I was now on my way home from school rocking out to some music in my car.

It kind of saddened me that I didn't have anymore after school activities, but I didn't really have anything to do.

I mean I could've done dance but my body is too stiff for that.

It's used to being that way for cheer, and the stunts I would do.

Also I didn't want to make it seem like I was following in everything Heaven and them were doing.

So for now I will be going home, cleaning up a little for tonight, then possibly maybe go for a run.

As I was coming down my street I noticed a more fancy looking car sitting in front on my house.

The windows were tinted so I couldn't see who was in there, or if anyone was in there. Pulling into my driveway, I examined the car closely.

' Maybe it's not for here.' I thought.

' But yet again why would it be parked in front of my house?'

I brushed it off grabbing my bags, and getting out of my car.

As I slammed my door shut I seen both the driver side door and the passenger side door open.

A very built muscular man walked out from the passenger side wearing a button down, and jeans.

I was waiting for the other person to walk around the car.

As soon as they did my jaw dropped.

' This is not real'

XOXO ParisBesties

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