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Raelynn's POV

I was walking to my car when someone grabbed my arm swinging me around. When I spun around I came face to face with Asher.

" What?" I questioned pulling my arm away.

I was hoping that since he had been MIA almost the entire day that I would be able to avoid this awkward conversation.

" You obviously seen my text from last night."

I shook my head, looking down at the floor.

" Well I was drunk. We can both agree on that."

" Good to know." I went to turn around, and walk away but Asher stopped me again.

" Doesn't mean I didn't mean it."

As soon as he said this my heart dropped, and I stopped in my tracks.

" Asher, don't." I pleaded.

" Rae, come on. You've known that I've been in love with you since the 8th grade. Your gonna tell me you don't feel the same."

I quickly spun my body around, walking right back up to him. Next thing I knew my hand was being thrown against his face.

" Asher I said don't." I pointed my finger at him. " Your the one that ruined whatever we had."

" I know and I regret that."

" Oh you do. But you didn't regret it when you got close to me just to take my virginity, then say I was another piece of ass to you." I shouted.

A couple of heads that were stranded in the parking lot turned are way.

" Rae please." He pleaded, sadness taking over his expression.

" Asher you do remember I told you I loved you, right? You remember taking my virginity right after, right? You also remember telling me that you were using me, right?" I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air.

He stood there looking at the ground, as silence surrounded us.

" Exactly."

I rolled my eyes, then turned around walking to my car.

As soon as I slammed my door shut my head hit the steering wheel.

Not only did I just shout everything that happened between Asher, and I. But I shouted in front of a couple of people that probably recorded. Great.

I shrugged it off, not really caring anymore. I put the car in reverse as I backed out of the parking spot and started my drive home.


When I pulled into my driveway I noticed that's Paris's car was here, again. Every since she's been home it's like she's always at my house.

I walked through the front door, and looked around in the living before deciding they were most likely in the kitchen.

Sitting my bag down at the end of the stairs, I walked into the kitchen. To my surprise not only Paris was here, but Ilani too.

" Hey honey. How was practice?" She questioned.

I pulled my hoodie tighter around my neck to prevent her from seeing the marks that were all around it. After having that little argument with Asher I completely forgot I needed to cover them up.

" Fine. Same as always. We had to run a couple of miles." I shrugged.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, twisting of the cap and taking a sip.

" Well that's good. We are just going over some info about the BBQ."

I shook my head, looking at the plans they had written down in a notebook.



Dessert Table

" Mom I thought you said this was a small BBQ?" I questioned.

" It is. But you still have to make a BBQ fun. Plus we have all you kids that are going to be there."

" Hopefully." Paris added.

" Well why wouldn't they be?" Ilani questioned .

" My kids are a little hard headed. But I'm sure if I ask nicely they'll be there." Paris smiled.

I shook my head with a wide eye look.

Totally. Because they're really going to come to some place they don't want to be, even if they can bring their friends.

" Well anyway. Rae how's that boyfriend of your's? Ilani questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. " Fine." I answered bluntly.

She shook her head with a smile.

Well this conversation got real awkward quickly.

I said my goodbyes, then walked up stairs to my room.

When I got to my room, and plopped on my bed the only thing that keep running through my head was the conversation with Asher.

I loved Jordon so why was I still replaying this damn conversation in my head.

' I do love Jordon, right?' I asked myself.

Of course I do what kind of stupid question is that.

But was it really a stupid question? I love Jordon but am I in love with him.

Our relationship is based off of sex most of the time. Could you really call that love?

" Ughhhh..." I shouted to myself.

I rolled myself over and pressed my head into my pillow.

Why does my life have to be so complicated?


XOXO ParisBesties

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