Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

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Raelynn's POV

Heaven took a deep breath before starting the conversation.

"So basically some of the football team quit. They need a least 2 players or else the football season will be canceled." She said

"Oh no!" I exclaimed.

This can't be happening. Football means a lot to our school, not as much as volleyball and soccer but still.

"Yeah, and Evan talked to coach and since we have football experience.."

Wait, she not suggesting that we.. Oh no.

"Wait you're not saying their suggesting we play?" I interrupted

She nodded. "Yeah that's exactly what I tried to say before you rudely interrupted me."

I scoffed as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Anyways the administration said yes they just need to talk to the principle and our parents need to fill out some papers." She said

I sighed. "I don't know if I can-"

"Me and you have a lot of experience with football and we have like a week to practice with like Kio and Evan and even Kio's dad before the game." She said interrupting me.

I bit my lip as I thought about it long and hard.

If I did this is would prevent the boys from being disappointed, but what about cheer? How would that even work?

"Come on I don't want the boys season to be canceled because they didn't have enough players. I don't want my brother and Kio to be upset, and we don't want to let everyone down, do we?"

I sighed finally giving in. "Fine. I'll do it."

She smiled a wide smile. "Good. Also my house to work on project today."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

As she turned towards the front where the teacher started to present our next assignment I went over everything in my head.

This is just absolutely bonkers.

Maybe I shouldn't do this. I really need to focus on cheer, not some dumb football team that can find other boys.

I decided that I was going to push the thoughts to the back of my head until later.


Finally after 3 classes of pondering what Heaven and I talked about in Bio it was finally lunch. The bad thing is I was still pondering these thoughts.

I've messed around playing football in the backyard of Kio's, and Heaven's house when we were younger, but I've not touched a football since I was in 7th grade.

There was the possibility of injury which would result in me never being able to do cheer again. And cheer is not something I can afford to lose right now. It's the only thing that is getting me through things.

" Whatcu thinkin about?" Asher asked sitting next to me sideways on the bench.

" Nothing much." I shrugged.

" Well you looked stressed about something. What is it?" Mack pushed.

" Nothing. It's just, Heaven brought up this crazy Idea about her and I joining the football team so the season doesn't have to end."

" Oh yeah. I heard about that. Coach was talking about it this morning at our meeting. I thought he was joking. I guess he wasn't." Asher shrugged.

" Well why would you guys have to join?" Mack questioned with a confused look.

" Because there have been more boys who have quit the team because they don't believe that Evan and Kio should be captain's. Which is complete bullshit." He scoffed.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. I never thought I would hear him say that. He's never liked the two at all.

" What? I may not like them, but our team wouldn't be where it is without them. How do you think we had a 2 year winning streak before the last game."

I shook my head in agreement. He had a point. Those boys held that team together like glue. Without them they wouldn't even be winning 3 games a season. Or so I heard. That's what was happening before we got here.

" Are you gonna do it?" Charlotte questioned

I shrugged. " I don't know."

" Think you should. I think you would look sexy on the field." He joked.

I smacked his arm causing him to flinch back and laugh.

" I mean he's not wrong." Mack added in.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

" What about cheer?" Char asked.

And that's what I'm stuck on.

" I don't know really." I huffed, laying my head in my arms.

Asher rubbed comforting circles on my back.

" Just do whatever works best for you. But I think it would be pretty badass."

I laughed.

'Possibly.' I thought to myself. Possibly.


As I was walking out of the girls locker room I noticed coach's eyes on me. I quickly threw my head down, trying to avoid eye contact.

" Rae, can you come here for a sec?" She shouted from across the field.

I squeezed my eyes shut, pulling my bag up on my shoulder and turning to walk towards her direction.

Once I made it over to where she was standing I put a smile on my face.

" Yes coach?" I questioned.

" The football coach came to me with the possibility of you joining the team." She said looking up from her clipboard.

" About that." I stuttered. " You don't have to worry about that. I was just gonna turn.."

" You will do no such thing."

I looked at her with a confused look.

" Excuse me?"

" Do you realize how that would look on a college app. And even to college recruiters."

" But coach. What about cheer?" I questioned still slightly confused about her persistence on this topic.

" You have next year. And plus, if cheer recruiters come, I know people. I'll make sure they know of you." She assured.

I bit my lip, pondering this in my thoughts again.

" I don't know coach. I have to have my parents sign and they aren't even home."

" If needed I will sign for it. This is an amazing opportunity, one that will never come up again. It's an experience of a lifetime. I'm not pressuring you, but I am encouraging it."

I shook my head, giving appreciative smile.

" Thanks coach."

" My pleasure. Now get on with your life." She said shooing me away.

I gave her a quick wave goodbye before turning to walk to my car.

Maybe coach was right.

It was the experience of lifetime.

And a once in a lifetime opportunity.


XOXO ParisBesties

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