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Raelynn's POV

Walking through my front door after getting back from Heavens house. I slugged my bag to the ground, flopping my shoes off my feet. 

This week has definitely been a week, from losing the football game, to what happened today with Jordon, I was beyond happy that's it was over. 

I walked into the living room where I seen my mom sitting with my dad as they watched their favorite show. 

" Hey guys." I said, sitting at the other end of the couch. 

" Hey honey. How was your day?" My mom questioned, pausing her show.

" It was..." I paused. " Eventful." I answered honestly. 

I laid my head on the back of the couch, closing my eyes.

" Well that sound interesting." My dad chuckled. 

I shook my head taking in the eerie silence that fell over us. 

When I lifted my head up I seen my parents looking at each other with worried expression. 

" What? Why do you guys look like that?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. 

" Well honey.." My dad paused. 

" What. Your starting to worry me." I exclaimed. 

" Your father and I have to go out of town for about a week." My mom piped in. 

I looked between the two as they both held saddened expression. 

" Why?"

" Well an old friend of ours that I met when I was a doctor at the hospital, her husband just passed. She asked us to be there." My father explained. 

I shook my head looking down at my hands. 

" When do you leave?"

" Tomorrow." My mom whispered. 

I shot my head up with widened eyes. 

" But we were supposed to go dress shopping."

" I know honey, and I'm sorry but she really needs us right now." 

" More than your own daughter?" I questioned with an attitude.  

" Honey you know..."

" No it's fine. You guys go. I'll be fine here." I said cutting off my dad. 

I pulled myself off of the couch and walking out leaving my parents where they were sitting. 

As soon as I made it to my room I slammed the door, sliding down it. 

' Your fine, Raelynn. Your fine.' 

I thought to myself, trying to push back the tears. 

This always fucking happens. We get to a good place then they leave like always. 

But hey, I expected it. My mom was always fucking gone on business, and my dad was always working. The disappointment had no affect on me anymore. 


Waking up to the birds chirping and the sun shining, you would think it would make for a happy person. But no, not me. 

It made for me to be in a bad mood. I wanted the weather to match my mood. Pissed, angry, and beyond that but there's no need to waste it away moping around. Right?

I threw the blankets off of me, scoffing my feet against the floor as I walked downstairs. 

Looking around, I noticed the silence once again. My parents were already gone. 

I walked into the kitchen grabbing the carton of orange juice, and grabbing a glass pouring my some. Turning around with orange juice in hand I noticed a piece of paper that sat on the island. 

Picking it up with a raised eyebrow, I unfolded it and started to read. 


           I know your not the happiest with us right now, but I hope you can forgive us. I promise you we would not be going if it wasn't truly important. Anyway, your father and I left some extra cash on our dresser that should be able to get you through the week we will be gone. But if not we also left you with the emergency credit card. Stay safe, we will see you soon.

                                                                                             Love, Mom and Dad

I scoffed as I finished reading the letter. 

Yeah yeah, everything else other than your child is always important. 

I ripped up the letter throwing it into the garbage, then grabbed my orange juice walking it back up to my room. 

Sitting on my bed criss cross I sipped my orange juice, scrolling through the different social medias. 

Once I was out of orange juice and tea to sip from social media, I huffed throwing myself back in my bed. 

What is there even to do on a Saturday morning? 

I could call my friends, and ask them to hang, but we were hanging out tomorrow. Ehh it couldn't hurt. 

I picked up my phone, a scrolled through my messages until I reached our group chat. 

Me: You guys wanna go to the mall for homecoming?

Mack: Of course!

Char: Yeah sure, but I thought you were going with your mom?

Me: They left this morning, something to do with one of their friends. 

Char: Oh. I'm sorry.

Me: Ehh I'm used to it. Meet you in an hour?

Mack: Make that two please. Im taking care of a drunk Asher.

I chuckled a little. 

Me: You got it babe.

I threw my phone down and headed for the bathroom. 

Stripping the clothes off my body, I turned the water on, making it scolding hot. 

Once it was ready I stepped in letting the water run all over my body.

Running my hands through my hair, I let my thoughts take over.


XOXO ParisBesties

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