Tired of her sh*t

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Heaven's POV

We watched as the two angry brats walked over.

I rolled my eyes as the stopped right at our table.

"Ugh, what do you guys want now?" I asked.

"Oh hush we aren't here for you." Linda said.

"That's good. But you still aren't wanted over here." I said and everyone besides them chuckled.

"Amara why are you over here and not with us?" Chloe screeched.

Ugh my ears.

"Pretty sure I said I was done with you guys.." She said, squinting her eyes at them.

"And their any better? I'm your cousin for crying out loud!" Linda exclaimed.

"First off, you aren't my cousin, never were, never will be. Your an ass hat and an annoying, spoiled bitch. Third they are way better then the both of you and I'm glad a I realized how horrible you guys were and moved in to better people." She said, making us smile at her.

Chloe scoffed. "Yeah sure, better people my ass."

"With what little ass you have it shouldn't even be called that, might as well just say you have a long back." I said.

She growled at me as she grabbed Linda's arm and dragged her away.

"That was good!" Amara said, high fiving me.

"Imma steal that from you." Evan said as he shoved a fry into his mouth.

"No I said it first!" I yelled.

"Oh stop already." Kio said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Fine." I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder and ate my food.


School and practices were finally over and I was heading home with Evan in his car like we've been doing.

When we arrives we notices a limo parked with the chauffeur in the drivers seat still.

"Someone must be here." Evan said as we get out the car and head Intl the living room.

Our mother, father, and Aspyn sat there whilst I see two unfamiliar women and men sat across from them.

I look to their side to see Amara and Linda.

"Evan, Heaven, please sit." Mom said.

We both sat as we glared Linda's way.

"So you own the gym?" The one guy asked whom I assumed is Amara's step dad considering the other guy and Linda look alike.

"Yes I own the gym, I built it up from the ground with my own money in which I worked very hard for and I would love it if you could not take it from me, the house yes we would be devasted but we could easily move but that is my business." My father said.

The man nodded.

"And who are these two lovely children?" The women who looked Linda looked like as well asked.

"These are our two youngest, twins, Heaven and Evan." My mother said.

"Oh well I'm Gloria, Lucia's mother and this is my husband Conner." She said.

Conner smiled at us before turning back to our parents.

She nudged Linda and she faked a smile at us.

"Heaven, Evan nice to see you outside of school." She said.

"Well I'm Elaine, Amara's mother and this is my husband Greg." Amara's mom said.

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