Volleyball Game

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Heaven's POV

Me and Kio walked out to the court yard and sat on the steps.

He didn't say anything he just stared out into the woods that surrounded the this side of the school.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I want you to open up to me." He said.

"About what?" I ask.

"Anything. Everything. You've been super bitchy with me lately and I'm your friend and I have no clue what's wrong and if its my fault and I can't change or fix anything if you don't talk to me." He said.

Ouch. Friend zoned. Never liked it but at least I know now for sure he doesn't like me and I can stop chasing after something that's never going to happen.

I sighed. "Its something you can't change." I said.

"Well maybe I can." He said, confidently.

He sounded so sure. If only he could. But he could never just loose feelings for Linda and gain feelings for me. A girl could dream though.

"I'm not talking you and embarrassing myself, because I assure you it something you or anyone else can change." I say.

"Can you at leat tell me? Please Heaven!" He pleaded desperately.

I shook my head. "I can't." I say.

"Is it something I did?" He asked.

"Well yeah but its not really your fault." I say.

"How is it not my fault? Is what I did  the reason why you're acting so bitchy towards me?"

I nodded.

"Well then you need to tell me!"

"I can't!" I say.

"Why not?!" He yelled.

"Because- it'll ruin everything." I say.

"If its going to ruin everything then I'd rather that happen then you always being upset and acting this way." He said.

"No.... I'm not telling you..." I say, looking away.

He sighed. "Fine. Don't tell me but not talking to me about things and acting like a bitch is what's going to ruin everything." He said.

"Kio-" I say.

He ignores me as he walks back inside.

I sit there on the steps and wipe away the tear that came out.

I blink away the rest of tears and tame a deep breath, I pull out my phone and look at my reflection to make sure I look okay before going back in.

I join them at the table and Kio avoids eye contact with me.

It was super awkward and silent the rest of lunch, and Evan and Aspyn still never showed up.


School was over and I was stoked for the game.

We rushed to the locker room and change.

Everyone else's jerseys are just yellow and white but since I'm libero my jersey is a bit different.

Everyone else's jerseys are just yellow and white but since I'm libero my jersey is a bit different

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