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Raelynn's POV

This morning I was a little slow and reluctant. I really didn't want to go to school, but I'm here. Almost halfway through the day, and still alive. 

My friends and I sat at the same table that we always sit at for lunch. Well the rest of them talked and laughed, I sat there quietly. 

Last night I really didn't receive much sleep. I tossed and turned as multiple different thoughts ran through my brain. 

Tears might have been shed, but that's just a nightly thing anyway. 

At least I was lucky enough for Asher to not be here today. According to McKenzie he was 'sick'. Which I knew was not true considering our conversation we had yesterday. 

I was brought back to reality when I seen all my friends face turned towards me.

" Huh yeah?" I questioned. 

" Did you hear us?" McKenzie asked. 

" No Sorry I'm running on very little sleep." I apologized. 

" Oh well we asked if you got the invitation to a party that was going on tonight."

A confused expression fell over my face.   

" Uhh no what party?" I questioned looking at all three of them.

" See like I told you." McKenzie shouted at Jordon. 

" Told him what?" 

" I got an invitation, I thought they got sent to everyone, but I guess they didn't." Jordon shrugged.

Let's just say internally I started to panic a little.

" Are you going?" I was quick to ask.

" Babe half the football teams going to be there. Of course I'm going to go." 

I turned my head to the side, and rolled my eyes. 

" Hey your okay with that right?" He questioned turning my head towards him.

" Of course." I smiled. 

" Your the best." He got out of his seat, and leaned down to give me a kiss before walking away. 

I looked back at the girls to see them giving me a questioning look.

" What?" 

" You are so obvious." Charlotte said shaking her head. 

" No I'm not." I said, getting all defensive.

" Yes your are. You totally care. Why don't you just tell him that?" McKenzie questioned.

" Because I don't." I lied. 

Of course I did but who am I to tell him he can't go. I'm not his wife or his mother, even if I was he wouldn't listen. 

I ignored the conversation the girls had started, and laid my head in my hands.


I walked onto the field for practice with so many worries, and thoughts running through my head. 

I went to stand next to Charlotte to start our stretches. 

As I bent down to stretch out my hand strings Charlotte must've noticed the uneasy look on my face, because she put a hand on my arm stopping me. 

" Hey you okay?" She questioned with a worried expression. 

" Yeah, fine." I answered bluntly. 

I went back into my stretches, with Char doing the same. 

" He'll be fine you know." She said holding her arm behind her head. 

" What?"

" Your worried about Jordon. He's a good boyfriend. You can trust him." She assured me.

" I know." I lied. 

If I was being honest with myself I didn't know if I could trust Jordon. If you were to ask me that question in the beginning of our relationship I would say absolutely, now not so much. 

He's changed, which has caused our relationship to change. In the start he was caring, loving, my number one support system. Then he started hanging out with the football team more, and now it's like the only thing that keeps our relationship going is the sex. 

And I'm scared that If I'm not there to give it to him he'll find it somewhere else. Especially if he's drunk. 

I know what your thinking. Why are you still with him? Why haven't you left yet?

And to answer that honestly I don't know. I think I'm scared to lose someone who has been my rock for so long. 

I think I'm more worried about our friendship instead of the relationship, which if things ended I'm not to sure there still would be a friendship. 

" Alright girls. I know you hate me from the miles you ran yesterday so today's going to be a pretty chill day." Coach shouted, bringing me out of my thoughts. " If you decide to make it one." Coach added making half the team groan including me. 

" Coach what do you mean by that." Chloe shrieked. 

God her voice was like nails on a chalk board. Sometimes I wonder if her voice has ever made anyone's ears bleed. 

" Well Chloe, I was just about to go into that. I was just giving your brain a little extra time to prepare to take in so much info." Coach said.

' Good Job, Coach.' I praised silently. 

Chloe stepped back rolling her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment.

" Anyway, like I was saying. We are going to doing a sequence of test of your flexibility, and on your moves. If any are sloppy, or not performed correctly you will owe me 3 laps around the track. Got It?" She shouted. 

" Yes ma'am." We all shouted perfectly in sync. 

" Good let's get started." 

She threw her clip board on the ground beside her, as she sat her hands on her hips. 

" Chloe. Front hand spring into spilt." Coach demanded. 

Chloe hurried in front of everyone. 

She started at one side running into a front handspring then down to a split.

As soon as she started to run I knew she was going to mess up. For one she went into the flip to early, and for two she didn't put enough momentum into the flip. 

" Nope. 2 laps." Coach instantly demanded. 

Chloe huffed angrily as she started to run. 

" Alright, anyone want to tell me what was wrong with that?"

I instantly threw my hand up in the air.

" Rae." Coach called my name. 

" She went into the flip to early, and there wasn't enough momentum." I stated proudly.

" Good. Now get up here and show us how it's done."

My face instantly dropped. 

God. You see, when I try to participate the tables turn on me, and when I don't try to participate they still turn. 


XOXO ParisBesties

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