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Raelynn's POV

Waking up this morning was a challenging thing to do. I almost didn't do it at all, but I knew if I missed school then my mom would kick my ass. 

I threw the blankets off of me and made my way to kitchen where the scent of fresh coffee heated my nostrils. When I got into the kitchen McKenzie was sitting at the island with her head against the countertop, and of course Charlotte was the one taking care of her. 

" Your awake!" Charlotte exclaimed. 

" Yeah unfortunately." 

She chuckled sliding a cup of coffee over to me. 

I brought the cup to my lips, scrunching up my face in disgust. Hot coffee was not my jam, let alone black coffee, but it helped. 

" Where's the boys?" I questioned looking around.

" Practice." McKenzie said in a 'duh' tone lifting up her head.

As sson as she looked over to me her eyes widened, almost bulging out her head.  

" What the hell is all this?" She questioned moving my hair off my shoulder. 

" U-h-h Nothing." I stuttered moving her hand away. 

" Did you fuck in my guest bedroom?" 

" No?" 

That definitely came out like a question. 

" You did." She gasped.

" What? You guys were passed out, and we were horny." I said putting my hands up in defense. 

They both busted out laughing, as they shook their heads.

" How are you gonna hide that?" Charlotte questioned.

" I'm not." 

They both looked at me like I was dumb, which I wasn't I just make dumb decision. 

" Your not going to hide them?" McKenzie questioned making sure she heard me right.

I shook my head in confirmation. 

She put her head in her hands as she fluttered her eyeballs.

" You do realize that the whole school will talk, right?" 

" Why do I care? Chloe can go around sporting off her neck that's makes it look like she's been choked, why can't I? Plus no one will really care." I shrugged.

" Whatever. That's your death bed."

I jumped off the stool shaking my head. 

They were being dramatic, and they knew it. The only person I worry about is my parents, but they will be covered up my then. 

I walked back to the guest bedroom and grabbed my cheer bag along with my phone. I held the power button on my phone turning in on since I had turned it off at last nights event.

As soon as my phone powered up I had multiple text message's, mostly from my mom. I opened each on reading them individually. 

Mom: You know it wasn't very nice of you to decide to not hang out with your sister. She's trying to be there for you. 

I rolled my eyes reading the next text from my mom.

Mom: Raelynn we all love you, every single one of us. So please stop being hardheaded.

Mom: Be safe baby. Mom loves you. 

Reading this one kind of broke my heart. 

My mom tried she really did. But after she had me she stepped up in position at the hospital causing her to be away from us more. But really I was the one that missed out. My siblings actually got raised by both of our parents, I got raised by my dad. 

But never once did I feel the need to complain because my mom is the one that financially supports us the most, so I understood. It just caused a drift between her and I. 

I re-read the text again before going to read the others.

Kaliyah: I know you decided not to come, but I still got you this really pretty necklace. I laid it on you dresser for when you come home. 

Me: Thanks sis. I promise I'll hang with you at the BBQ. Love ya.

I replied quickly then moved on to the next.

Asher: I know your in there getting fucked by my bestfriend, but I think it's a good time to tell you that I'm in love with you. Always have and Always will. 

I widened my eyes as I threw my phone to the side. 

That just happened. Did it really? Maybe I'm dreaming. 

I pinch myself in the arm, then yelped at the pain.

No definitely not dreaming. 

I took a deep breath picking my phone up and placing it in my pocket. Right now I was too much in shock, and tired to change so I was going in the same clothes. 

' He was drunk' 

' Did he really mean it?' 

' God help me.'

All these thought ran through my head causing my to rub a hand over my face. 

" Rae, we're leaving." McKenzie called. 

I walked out of the bedroom quickly and quietly. 

Walking past the girls, they noticed something was off but I still ignored them, and made my way to my car. 


The girls and I were standing by our lockers, well the boy's stood across he hall at theirs.

Occasionally I would see Asher look over here with a worried expression, but this time I made direct eye contact with him.

I quickly whipped my head to the side, almost hitting my head against the locker.

" What the hell?" McKenzie questioned looking at me with a confused look.

" Sorry. I had a neck pain." I whispered trying to cover it up. 

Neck pain, really Raelynn?

She rolled her eyes shrugging it off as they went back to their conversations. 

" Oh so this weekend we are having a BBQ. Wanna come?" I asked, cutting in.

" Sure. Ill bring the bud to add a little more fun?" She smirked. 

" Of course bby." 

The boys walked over, Jordon wrapping his arms around my shoulder, as Asher's eyes remained on the floor. 

" What are we talking about?" Jordon questioned.

" My parents are having a BBQ, she said I could invite you guy." I smiled up at him . 

" Sounds fun, except for the fact that 'we' can't smoke." He said pointing between Asher and Him. 

" So?" McKenzie questioned.

" So that's boring as hell." 

" Well bring some alcohol, and you can hide it in Rae's room." McKenzie suggested. 

" Yeah, plus it can't be that bad Charlotte does it." I pointed out. 

Char reached over and slapped my arm. 

" That's because I have to watch over you nitwits." 

We all busted out laughing at her choice of words.

" Nitwits? Really Char?" Mack questioned.

She shrugged her shoulders, rolling her eyes at our immaturity. 

"Whatever let's get to class."

Mack pulled me away from Jordon leaving him empty handed as she interlaced our arms. 

"Do I have to go to class?" I whined.

" Yes. Plus I thought you actually liked English?"

Yeah well that was until I had not only Asher but Evan in that class.


XOXO ParisBesties

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