Future Mrs. Johnson

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Raelynn's POV

Sitting up from my position on the floor, I rubbed my eyes noticing everyone still fast asleep around me. Suddenly getting the urge to empty my bladder I pulled myself of off the floor making my way out of the living room and to the closes bathroom.

I shut the quietly shut the door, turning the door knob to avoid the click. Sleepily pulling down my pants, I sat down on the toilet seat instantly shooting back up from the coldness hitting my legs.

Taking a deep breath I lowered myself back down on the toilet seat, breathing through the coldness.

After I was done doing my business I wiped myself, pulling my pants back up and flushing the toilet. I walked over to the sink quickly washing my hands, and drying them.

I turned off the light before opening the door, and walking out. As soon as I turned into I felt a hand go against my throat, pushing me softly up against the wall. I closed my eyes in fear, but opened them as soon as I felt someone's lips against mine.

I closed my eyes again as I soon realized it was Asher who had me up pinned up against the wall.

The kiss deepened, causing me to jump up and wrap my legs around his torso.

We stayed in this stance for quite some time, until Asher placed me gently back on the ground pulling away, and placing his forehead against mine.

" Wow. Not as slobbery as I remember." He whispered.

I slapped his chest pushing him away from me, with my mouth wide open in shock.

I can't believe he just said that.

He chuckled as I dropped my head to the floor with embarrassment flooding my face.

" I'm joking." He said putting a finger under my chin, and raising it.

I rolled my eyes as he brought his lips down to my again giving me one last kiss.

" Good." I pouted.

He rolled his eyes, walking back into the living room.

" Asher?" I whispered catching his attention.

He turned around with a raised eyebrow.

" What are we doing here?" I questioned pointing between the two of us.

" I guess we'll figure that out after the date I take you on next Saturday." He smirked walking back into the living room.

I leaned back against the wall, taking a deep breath in.

What the hell are you doing Raelynn?


Plopping down on the couch I took a deep breath in, relieved that I was finally done cleaning up the mess left over from the sleepover.

I took out my phone scrolling through Instagram as a message pooped up on my screen.

Mack: Okay what did you do to my brother?!

I read the message with a confused expression on my face.

Me: What are you talking about?

Mack: Not only has he thrown away his entire alcohol stash, but he's smiling. Like a genuine smile!

I laughed at how concerned she was.

Me: How do you know it has to do with me?

Mack: Because I seen the hot steamy make out scene you guys had this morning.

My jaw dropped at what she just texted.

Me: Ease dropper

Mack: I wasn't ease dropping. I had to piss, and just happened to catch some of the action🤷‍♀️

I rolled my eyes.

Me: Whatever. I'll see you at school. Love ya.

Mack: You too, future Mrs. Johnson.


I raced up from the couch, and up stairs to take a much needed shower. 

Doing the normal I stripped my body of my clothes, and stepped into the scolding hot water letting it run all over my body. 

I grabbed my vanilla shampoo rubbing a big dollop through my hair. After making sure I had ever inch of my hair, I let it sit there as I washed my body with my vanilla body gel. 

Rinsing my entire body of all the bubbles I turned off the water and grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body. 

Before going into my room I wiped my mirror of steam and quickly brushed my teeth along with my hair. 

Walking straight to my closet from my room I grabbed out my dark blue lace undergarments pulling them up my body before putting on my floral pj set. 

Once I was dressed I walked over to my dresser putting on some deodorant, and a couple of sprays of body spare. 

I turned of my light walking over to my bed and pulling in my phone on the night stand, before laying down and pulling the cover all the way up to my chin allowing the darkness to pull me away. 


Waking up I slammed my hand down on my alarm shutting it off before it could annoy me any further. 

I got out of  bed and into the bathroom to get ready for school.


Once I was done getting ready I grabbed my phone and bag for cheer and headed out the door not even bothering with breakfast, considering get ready had already made me slightly late. 

I got in my car strapping up and starting the drive to school. 

Rolling down my windows I let the air run through my hair, enjoying the fresh air. Today was a nice day for the most part. Hopefully it would stay that day throughout my school day. 

Finally arriving at school I parked in my normal spot, grabbing my bag and heading straight for the school. 

Not many people were in the courtyard considering the bell was close to ringing so it was pretty easy to get through. 

As soon as I was inside the school I walked straight down the senior hallway and into Bio.

I made my way to my seat, setting my bag in front of me on the table. I started to rummage through it and looked up as I saw Heaven walking in.

Heaven pulled out her chair taking a seat then turning to me with a serious expression. 

" We need to talk."

Oh boy, this should be interesting.


XOXO ParisBesties12

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