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Raelynn's POV

" Raelynn, straighten that leg." Coach ordered as I held in the air by our bases. 

I took my leg straightening it higher in the air. Making sure to keep a smile on my face. Just like coach says, the smile is the most important thing when cheering. Its the one thing people pay attention to the most. 

" Good. Now go ahead and come down." 

The bases squatted down giving themselves enough momentum to throw me up in the air. As soon as they pushed themselves back I felt myself flying up into the air. 

I twisted my upper body allowing for it to lead my lower body into a triple twist. I keep my eyes completely closed the entire time until I hit the bases arms. 

As soon as I did I took a deep breath rolling out of their arms. That honestly is the most scariest part, is twisting in the air. You have to put all of you trust into your bases to be able to perform right. If you don't trust them then the performance gets a messed up because you get scared. 

" Okay. Girls come sit. We need to talk." Coach said bringing herself to the ground. 

We all gathered around her, and brought ourselves to the ground. 

" So as you know we have a game tomorrow. You all will be showing up to school already dressed in uniform correct?"

We all mumbled a round of ' Yes ma'am' to show our respect. 

" Good. Now tomorrow I'm not going to lie, it's going to be a hard one for the boys. But they are a strong team, so hopefully it's a simple win. I need for you guys to put whatever differences you have aside with any of the boys, and make sure you support them. I expect you tom be cheering your little hearts out, and more. I want you to cheer until you have no voice left. Got it?" 

" Yes coach." We all said in sync. 

" I can't hear you." She shouted, cupping a hand over her ear. 

" Yes coach!" We shouted. 

" Good now go home and make sure you get plenty of rest." She smiled

I pushed myself off of the ground walking side by side with Char. 

" Hey Rae. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Coach called. 

I shook my head, looking back to Char. 

" Go ahead with out me." 

She shook her head, and continued walking towards the locker room. 

" What's up coach?" I asked, jogging towards her. 

" Tomorrow I need you on your A game, do you understand me?" She held a stern look on her face, scaring me slightly. 

" Yes ma'am." I smiled. 

" Good. Your one of my best fliers, and tumblers. And I'm not supposed to be telling her this, but there might even been some college scouts. I know you have one more year, but this would be a good time to get a scholarship." 

I nodded my head, understandingly.  

" Okay. You can go now."

She looked back down at her clipboard. 

I turned back around a started to walking towards the locker room. 

Well shit, that definitely adds more pressure to tomorrow. 


" Your coming to the game tomorrow, right." I questioned my mom leaning against the counter. 

" Of course." She smiled.

I took a bite of the carrot that was in my hand. 

Yes I said carrot, no I'm not weird. They are actually really good, and refreshing after a practice. 

" Do you know if dad is going to be there?" I questioned gulping down the chewed up carrot. 

" Uhh I believe he will. He said he might be a little late due to work." 

She turned around stirring the noodles that were boiling in the pot. 

" Oh I almost forgot. They moved me to a senior biology class." I blurted out, tossing the rest of my carrot in the trash. 

" Really? That's wonderful honey." She smiled leaning against the counter. 

" I guess." I shrugged, wiping my hands on my already dirty shirt. 

" It doesn't sound like your too happy about that." She chuckled. 

" Heaven's in the class." I answered with a blank face. 

" Oh." 

She sighed turning back around to stir the pasta again. 

" It can't be that bad, can it?" She questioned.

" Yeah it can when we have a project we have to do together, and she absolutely hates me. AND I have no idea why. But honestly I don't give two two fucks. I just wanna get the project done and over with." 

" Raelynn." My mom warned. 

" Sorry." I whispered. 

She didn't care if I cussed, she just doesn't want it to be in front of her. 

" Well why don't you try talking to her." She suggested.

" Mom she can barely go 5 seconds without giving me a dirty look. I don't think she would bare to have a conversation with me." 

My mom chuckled, walking over to me. 

" Honey." She placed both her hands on my shoulder. " I'm sure you will be fine. You do what you have to do to get a good grade on that project. Don't you dare let some little beef make your grade drop." She insinuated the last part.  

I did a deep sigh, nodding my head. 

" Good. Now please go get cleaned up before dinner." She smiled dropping her arms. 

I picked out a water bottle from the fridge and walked to the stairs. 

I'm just ready for this game tomorrow, especially if there is going to be scouts there. 

I need to make sure I'm doing the best I can just like coach said.


XOXO ParisBesties

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