Bad News

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Raelynn's POV

"B-E-A-T!" I shouted getting the attention of the cheerleader's.

"B-E-A-T!" They shouted back.

"B-E-A-T!" The last one we did together making our voice boom around the field to drown out the other team.

"Beat those Rockets!
Beat those Rockets and fight
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!" We cheered, shaking our poms poms around.

We were 1 minute away from going into half time, which means we needed to prepare for the half time cheer.

I grabbed my water bottle taking a huge sip to help the dryness that lingered in my throat. As I set my water bottle down I looked up at the scoreboard with wide eyes. 

We were not doing so hot at all. According to the scoreboard we were down by 18 points. Which would mean that we would have to get 3 more touchdowns to makeup the 18 points. 

But honestly I wasn't that worried. We still had another 2 quarters to go through, and our boys were gonna bring it back. Hopefully. 

I walked over to where the rest of the girls stood, as we watched the other team do their cheer. 

" This is frightening to watch." Char whispered in my ear. 

I laughed. " Your not wrong."

I looked up at our side of the stands as to most of the people watching the other cheer team in disgust as they ended their cheer with a shake of the ass. Well what they had of one. The only people intently watching them were either from their sides of the stands, or little freshman boys. 

There would be no way I would be able to sit in those stands, and watch that team. They were all over the place. The cheers they did we unorganized, and their moves were sloppy. Good thing they had a good football team to make up for it. 

" Game time girls. Go on that field and show them what you are made of." Coach shouted as the the halftime bell went off. 

We all ran and grabbed our pompoms that laid on the ground, and ran onto the field as both football teams ran off and into the locker rooms. 

Both the other flier and I ran to our bases, putting our pompoms under our shoulder as they slowly lifted us up in the air. The rest of the cheerleader's lined up in front of us in two straight lines.   

" GO! GO! GO!" I shouted, placing one pompoms on my hip, and the other straight in the air. 

"Popcorn, blankets, hot cocoa!" The rest of the cheerleader's followed doing the same position.

"Titans' team, Go! Go! Go!"

"Defense means we hold the line "

"Offense means its time to shine"

Both JJ( The other flier) Looked at each other as we balanced pulling one leg straight up in the air, still holding the pompoms in our hands.

"Our boys are fast, never slow" 

"Titans' team, Go! Go! Go!" 

"When our fans scream and shout" 

"You know it's time to lose all doubt" 

"When our QB makes his throw" 

"Titans' team, Go! Go! Go!"

Looking through the stands I made direct eye contact with my mom, as we were about to hit our last move. 

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