Sadness in the Air

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Raelynn's POV

I woke up this morning with instant sadness running through my body as I remember the loss that we took last night.

After the game was definitely a hard one. I can't say I didn't cry, because I most definitely did. You may thinks that this was being dramatized, but it's hard when you team hasn't taken a loss in almost 2 years. 

But really the tears I cried weren't out of my own hurting, but the hurting of the team. I tend to be real sensitive to other's pain, and seeing some of the boy's hold their parents in their arms and cry was the worst. 

As I stood out of my bed, my phone dinged with a notification. I opened the notification as it popped up to be a message from coach in the group chat.

Coach: There will be a meeting before school starts. Please make sure you all are there. 

I placed my phone on my nightstand not bothering to answer. 

Slowly i made my way into the bathroom examining the dark circles that were placed under my eyes. Honestly I wasn't even in the mood to do anything about it. 

I brushed my teeth, and washed my face, before back into my room to get dressed.

Once I was dressed I grabbed my phone and my cheer bag heading downstairs. I walked straight out the door knowing both of my parents had already gone to work. 


Walking back from the meeting with coach with Charlotte by my side, I noticed how quiet everything was. 

Normally there was people being loud as hell, and messing around in the courtyard, and around the school. But not today. Today everything was just dead. 

To be quite literally, it's like you could feel the sadness floating in the air. 

" I can't believe we actually lost." Char exclaimed. 

" Me either, but it happens. All we can do is move on." I said sadly. 

" Yeah. I guess." She shrugged. 

As we walked through the courtyard I seen Asher heading our way with his head down. 

" Hey.."

I stopped surprised by the sudden embrace Asher had pulled my into. 

Asher placed his head deep in the crevice of my neck, as I felt his body shake beneath me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as I rubbed circles around his back. 

" It's okay." I whispered. 

He pulled away wiping the tears away. 

" I'm sorry." He whispered quickly.

" Hey don't be sorry. I understand why your upset." I told him placing both my hands on his arms. 

"I had to tell my dad that we lost the game last night, and he called me a disappointment of a son. And a no good player." He shook his head, pulling his bag back up his shoulder. 

" Asher. You are not a bad player or son. That loss does not define you as a player. I was one loss." I assured him. 

" One loss, that should've never happened." He snapped. 

I took a step back, surprised at his sudden outburst. 

" I'm... I gotta go." He said bluntly walking straight past me. 

I looked behind me running a hand through my hair. 

" Today's gonna be a bad one. I can feel it." Charlotte said watching as he stalked away. 

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