Convincing Raelynn

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Heaven's POV

After we bought our dresses we said bye to Lia and we got in the car.

When we got in Lucia's car her phone dinged.

She picked it up and looked at it.

"Oouh I was just invited to a college pool party, we should go!"



We head back to Lucia's and put on some swimsuits.

I got into the bathroom to change into it:

I got into the bathroom to change into it:

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After I got out and we were all ready we got into Lucia's car ignoring the cat whistles from Lucia's neighbors.

We drove to the party which was already in full swing when we got there.

We got out the car and headed inside where people were dancing.

We headed to the kitchen and got a drink, Cherish only agreeing to drink a little after a lot of convincing.

We headed to the back where people where dancing, swimming, and eating.

We chugged the drinks we had before hoping into the pool.

Cherish and Lucia tagged team against me as they tried to dunk me under.

After a while of fighting I gave up and let them.

I swam back up and splashed them.

"Hey ladies." A guy said.

We looked up at him.

"Yes?" We asked.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to join a game of slip n slide flip cup?" (Its what I call it lol)

We look at each other before saying yes.

We hope out the pool and follow him up the hill where the game was.

They were doing girls vs. Boys.

"I might not be able to drive us home..." Cherish said.

"That's fine you need to live a little." I said.

She laughed.

We were at the end of the line and so far the girls were losing by one.

It was Cherish's turn to go.

She went down the hill on the slide and got up.

The guy on the other side was still struggling to flip his cup so if she gets this before him we'll be in the lead.

She picked up the cup and drank it and sat it half way on the table and set her hand under and flipped it.

It didn't land so she redid it has the other guy got his.

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