A Week to Remember

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Raelynn's POV

Walking back into Heaven's house from talking to the cops, I instantly walked over to Asher melting into his arms as I broke down. 

" I don't understand." I whispered into Asher's arms. 

He placed a hand on my hair, brushing through with his fingers. 

" I know baby, I know." He said in a shushed tone. 

We had all been at Heaven's for quite a long time. 

We all were really shocked and confused on the whole situation. 

But I was thankful that the Rae family was allowing my friends and I in their house so that we could all get through this somewhat together. 

As I was in Asher's arms I felt Mack, and Char wrap their arms around both of us. 

" Raelynn this is not your fault, this is not anyone's fault. She was sick." Mack whispered  in my ear. 

I shook my head. 

I refused to believe it. 

If I hadn't put up my video then none of this wouldn't have happened. 

She wouldn't have felt bad for the things she done. She would still be here. 

I drowned out a lot of the noise the was going on around, that was until I heard Paris clear her throat. 

I looked up from Asher's shoulder, wiping my tears as Paris started to tell what I'm assuming was another one of her stories.

"Once upon a time there was a little a boy. The little boy sat on his bed looking out at the window at the stars as he heard his parents yelling downstairs.

The boy hugged his teddy bear closer to his chest as he heard his mother cry.

Earlier that day the boy asked his mom for a new toy. The red monster truck that had just come out.

"No son, its too expensive." His mother told him when he had asked.

"But I really want it mommy! You promised you would ask daddy to get me the airplane. You promised you would ask him to get me the train, and the army guy, and other toys and they never came!" The boy whined.

His mother sighed. "I promise I'll ask."

"You say that every time!" He said.

She caressed his cheek. "I swear."

He nodded at his mother. He believed her.

And when father came home he was happy when he overheard his mother asking father.

But father got mad.

"We don't have money for no useless toy! We need to afford food and water! Clothes! And this house!" He yelled.

"I know but our son is upset we keel promising him and promising him and we end up breaking his little heart... I can't stand to see my boy sad anymore!" The mother said.

Ever since then his parents have been arguing.

The boy blamed himself.

If he never asked for some dumb toy his parents wouldn't be fighting right now.

The boy walked out his room.

"Mommy?" He said as he heard his mother crying, but he never heard anything from his father.

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