Explosive Emotions

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Raelynn's POV

" What?!" 

" You heard me." Kaliyah said crossing her arms over her chest. 

I looked between my dad and her to see if I could spot an expression that said they were kidding, but the only expression they held were serious one's. 

" You can't be fucking serious."

" Tell her dad." Kaliyah said throwing her hand out towards me. 

" Raelynn, you haven't been right in a long time. I think us ignoring it has just made it worse. So i think it's time we took action and got you help." My dad sighed. 

" Got me help." I laughed, shaking my head. " You expect me to be perfectly fine after finding out that my parents are divorced, which they have planned for a long time. Not only that but my mother refuses to talk to me, and is out living her best life. You really expect me to be fine?"

I looked at Kaliyah expecting to see some sort of expression of shock, but there was nothing. 

" You knew didn't you?" I questioned. 

She looked up from the ground with a guilty expression. 

" I can't believe you. Why am I the one that is always left?"

" Because Raelynn. Your exactly like mom with her explosive emotions. We never know how you are going to react. Especially after 9th grade." Kaliyah sighed. 

9 th grade. 

The worst year of school of my entire life. 

That was the year that I started doing the drugs and started to drink. 

At those times I didn't know how to control how much I was drinking, how much I was taking. I was just going until the pain would start to fade. 

I was barely home. My parents could never keep a hand on where I was or what I was doing. The only people that kept me somewhat in check was my brother and my coach. But even then that was a challenge for them.

Everyone thought that was going to be my lifestyle. That that was who I was going to be forever.

Hell even I did. 

But during the summer I blacked out for the first time. It scared the hell out of me. 

I woke up in a alley with bruises all over, and a big ass gash in my head. 

From that point onwards until like 2 month into Sophomore year I was clean of everything. But when I went back I made sure I knew how to control myself. I made sure that I had control over it.

These past couple of months that has been slightly hard though.

" I'm not mom, and I'm not who I was back in 9th grade. And for you to even suggest I am really shows that you really don't know me. Your own blood." 

I shook my head then grabbed my bag off of the floor. 

I didn't blame them for thinking the worst. 

I've made some bad choice. 

I just hate that they keep comparing me to my mom. 

I walked up the stairs and to my room. 

Throwing my bag down I closed the door and shut off the light, laying myself on the bed letting the tears roll down. 


Waking up this morning I was really reluctant to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. Especially if I still wanted to remain on the football team. 

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